MovieChat Forums > Kurt Russell Discussion > What a disappointment

What a disappointment

I had no idea Mr Russell is a right wing extremist. A shame since he has made many good movies over the years. Thankfully his whacked out opinions are in the minority.


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He is entitled to his opinions.


If you cannot separate an actor from his personal life/politics/views that he is not forcing down anyones' throat from his work as an actor, it IS sad...for you.

I'm a Republican (not VERY Republican, but still) and if I could not separate left-leaning actors/actresses from the roles they play....I'd have to throw my TV out for lack of use.


Mr. Russell,

I am a huge fan of your work, and your movies have brought much joy to my existence.

I sought out a way to contact you tonight, to just say, that I was very pleasantly surprised to watch your "the view" and the Mr. Well's interviews, (I've only just seen the short clips on YouTube).

You speak exactly as I would have, I am very concerned about our 2nd amendment rights, believe that they should enforce the existing laws, instead of chipping away at our gun rights, part what I believe make this country so great. As a gun owner, as well as a family man, and hard working creative professional, I agree with you and just wanted to send you a positive note, to hopefully be a bit of "frosting" that can cover the other kinds of flack you have received, for saying it like it is. It's clear, you care about this country, as do I, and I respect your views, and how clearly, and sanely you expressed them.

Thank you.

(Suddenly, I feel like watching "The Thing" for the 8th or 9th time)

;^ )

All the best to you and your family,



Agreed, he is a libetarian and I respect him and his view because some of them are my views as well. My only regret is that he did not marry Goldie and is living with her. I always remember Kurt Russell and Karl Malden standing up and cheering for Elia Kazan when he won his honorary oscar. Elia had the guts to name names during the communist trials back in the day and was not liked by liberal Hollywood. I also remember Nick Nolte and Ed Harris just sitting there doing nothing with stupid sour looks on their face as he was given the award.

Hopefully there will be more people like Kurt Russell who are in the entertainment business before the liberals destroy everything left that is decent in the USA.


"instead of chipping away at our gun rights, part what I believe make this country so great. As a gun owner, as well as a family man"

Or, or, or... you do like the rest of the world and finally understand that you wouldn't "need guns to defend yourselves" if they weren't so easy to get for anyone?


"before the liberals destroy everything left that is decent in the USA."

I have no words. Are you people retarded?


The "rest of the world"? You mean all those nice heavily-armed bandit & islamofacist squads in places like Zimbabwe, Iraq, Sudan & Syria? Or perhaps like drug cartels in Mexico, Columbia & Guatumala who all carry AK47s? When people like you think of the "rest of the world" you're thinking of some socialist paradise like Austria or Germany where big brother has banned firearms and then has isis immigrants pouring into the country...the real western europeans are sitting ducks, as we saw recently in the Munich shopping mall. Remember?
