MovieChat Forums > Mickey Rourke Discussion > Mickey Rourke wears Putin tee proudly in...

Mickey Rourke wears Putin tee proudly in Moscow...



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When I first saw this, I got really angry. Putin is the next worst thing after Hitler and Stalin.

I just wish he (Rourke) was more educated. Perhaps then he would´ve had a better career also. All of you who watched him in Kimmel, did you notice how he spoke about the fact that had threatened the director. He hasnt changed a bit.


Well I think he feels comfortable with UFC fighters and boxers etc. instead with other actors. I don't see anything bad in that. That rugby movie isn't about Gareth Thomas anymore and it has a producer so it might actually happen. He looks better than he has in years. He's in very good shape being 62 year old man and it is better to have new theets rathen than let them fall off. Least I think so.
This Putin shirt thing is no big deal. He got it 'cos he has met him and liked him then and he is in Russia because he has a russian girlfriend and her family there which he cares about. Like he says in that one video he doesn't give a *beep* about politics.
It would be different if he would have somekind of political statement with that shirt. That would change things.
Like Steven Seagal has political issues with Russia.

And I don't think he actually threatened the director for real like he's actually going to hit him. He just wanted to make a point. He is his own kind of person. At least he's real and I like that in a person.


Actually the Putin shirt is a big thing. I´ve seen Rourke say that he isnt that much into politics. But that actually makes it worse. He wears it because "Putin is cool". Well I cant wait until he meets Kim Jong-un. Then he can wear his shirt too. Steven Seagal is an idiot. But I hoped that Rourke would know better.

Also, what disturbs me, is the fact that not long ago his russian girlfriend posted a pic in social network. The picture was made in some restaurant and had a dish aerial on it. And what was written on it? CCCP (Soviet Union). So that should give you an idea how his girlfriend thinks. Nothing good there.


Rourke likes powerful figures, but Seagal seems to be getting something out of being a groupie with Putin and especially with tzar of Chechnya, Kadyrov.

It just disturbs me that my favourite actor is so gifted in his craft and does dumbest stuff.
