
She needs a nose job urgently.


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It's not just the nose. The lips could use some work too.

She just has got one of those ratty English butterfaces. Looks too much like her mom.


i find it strange that shes married to a plastic surgeon in nip tuck, Surely they would go for perfection!

Yes she needs restylane in her lips. I never liked her mothers looks either.


You're all stupid, aren't you?


I think she is very pretty and has a cute look. And there is nothing wrong with her nose!


Her nose is long but nicely shaped and straight.I love it.
It's what makes her attractive and interesting.


I fell sad for all you people who aren't pleased with your ownselves and wonder why the world is so unfair and you have so many flaws and others don't..and then (as hypocrits you are) demand that someone, who is happy wit herself, gets job done. People like you (full of resent and doubts) are the ones that make the world a frivolous place, you are the cause for which the media and society is how they are..

The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.


Her nose is what makes her attractive--to me anyway--because it's unusual. Otherwise, she'd just look like some token skinny blonde who doesn't stand out in a crowd.
