MovieChat Forums > Jada Pinkett Smith Discussion > A few short years ago, 3 out of 4 acting...

A few short years ago, 3 out of 4 acting Oscar WINNERS were black...

... so is the lack of African American nominees this year a sign of increased racism in Hollywood or is it a cyclical thing?

Is this a renewed racism, or a racism that never went away? And why did 3 out of 4 acting categories go to black actors that year not so long ago?

Instead of boycotting the Oscars (since they apparently weren't invited anyway) and forcing Chris Rock out of work, why doesn't the black Hollywood community ask the caucasian actors to allow them to go in their place? Then you'd have a majority black audience in the theatre for an all-white Oscars --- and that would make the more interesting statement, wouldn't it?

If one needs to be made.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


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Is it or renewed racism, or does it just happen to be a fact that there were no great movies with strong black leads this year? Should there automatically be black nominees even if they aren't deserving?

What was this year's Ray, Django Unchained, Training Day, 12 Years a Slave, Shawshank Redemption, Glory, etc etc etc?? Concussion?? That's what it boils down to....Jada thought Will would throw on an African accent and make a human interest movie that would tug at people's heart strings and get all these awards heaped upon him. The cold heart fact is that people really don't give a rats ass about millionaire football players getting concussions and Will Smith really isn't a great actor. Boohoo


Total agree with the lack of roles!


It's lack of talent!! Honestly what roles this year played by "African" Americans were worthy of a nomination? Do we really live in a country where we have to have a token nominee like so many of the shows on TV have their Token? If they(A.Americans) were in any Oscar worthy role they would have been nominated just like H. Berry, Denzel, what's her name from 12yrASlave... Not that I thought H. Berry was worthy a win. When they start making movie roles for the "black man" that are worthy of a nod then they will get nominated. Until then, instead of crying over no nomination they should work on writing descent scripts for their brothers & sisters.


Oh, there were some worthy roles.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


That there are? Or that there should be?

