MovieChat Forums > Gwyneth Paltrow Discussion > I know why people can't stand her

I know why people can't stand her

She reminds me a lot of my sister who lived in England during a year abroad at college. My sister lived in the countryside and rarely went into London, she spent all of her time on the college campus in Staffordshire. She went to school for a BS in Marine Biology and then never continued her education.

So when she talks to people she acts like she lived in London for a year and that she's a scientist. Neither of these two things are true. She works as an HR payroll billing coordinator for a company that lays cable in the oceans. She is not a scientist by any random stretch of the word. And she certainly didn't live in London for a year in the way that most people would interpret it. However she acts like she did. Scientists don't quit being a scientist when they graduate with a BS.

The reason my sister annoys people so much is that you really have to be a petty wench to call her out on her nonsense. So people never said anything about it when she talked about it in the beginning. It wasn't that big of a deal. But after a couple of years of it, she'll keep bringing it up in conversations as if she's an "authority" on something the average person is not. Example, if we are discussing evolution she'll say things like "Well as a Scientist, I believe." And people kind of react like "Dude you are not a scientist, you're just someone who went to school to be a scientist and you process payroll checks for marine workers laying cable." But she tries to "ride" that tiny bit of experience into something equivalent to someone who has put in years of work and dedication and is a true scientist.

That's actually the most annoying part. She views herself as the equivalent of a true scientist who has put in decades of hard work, research and education. She honestly views herself this way and people find it insufferable. People would react to her the exact same way I see people react to Paltrow. Just totally annoyed all the time and no way at all to connect. Then she patronizes people by pretending to be "down with the people" and all fun and casual.

But the bottom line is that their entire existence is fake because it's built entirely on what they think people think of them. It's manipulated and contrived. It's not real in any sense of the word.

Gwyneth does the same thing. She walks around like she's an educated person because she went to Spence. But that's high school honey, you dropped out of college. You are an uneducated college drop out, but you want to pretend that your going to a sophisticated high school makes you a sophisticated person.

Imagine if someone went to Julliard for acting and dropped out and worked as a construction worker for ten years and kept saying they were a Julliard caliber actor.

She half asses her life based on the privileges given to her by her parents and her opportunities in life and then tries to pass it off as if she's "earned it" by working hard.

And no Gwyneth Paltrow you are not a success in Goop. A company that has been around as long as yours with as little success as yours has shown is not a success. Especially a company that started off ahead of the game because of your name recognition as a Hollywood actress. Just because you get media attention doesn't make you a 'business woman." 66,000 followers on Goop? Sales that keep "doubling and doubling" well um yeah if you only sold one item and then you sold 2 and then you sold 4 then you've doubled and doubled haven't you.

We can knock Kim Kardashian all we want, but that women is a good business woman. Look at Jessica Alba and her company. That is a good business woman.

Goop gets the same level of attention as Courtney Stodden. So enough with the exaggeration of your "success" and business acumen.

You are the equivalent of a REAL HOUSEWIFE OF NYC trying to pedal your product because Bethany was successful with Skinny Girl. Gwyneth is as successful as Sonya is with her products. Sure people know about them. But PAHLEEEEEZE with you trying to pretend you are something you are not.

It's annoying and you annoy people because people don't like being put in the petty position of having to call out fakers on their exaggerations.


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Nope, I would give that identity to someone who hangs out on a celebrity's IMDB page defending them to everyone. LOL Unless you are Gwyneth but that's even more pathetic.


Bravo ohtruethat! I couldn't have said it better myself.


I have my own story of someone similar... An ex best friend of mine. We met in high school, stayed friends afterwards, I ignored her behavior for 11 goddamn years... and then one day I just decided it was too much and completely cut her out of my life. The thing is, this girl was born with a silver spoon: her parents have money, they have always been a happy family, and they raised her to be spoiled, arrogant, and also naive. The result is a woman who thinks herself an "artist" because she makes photo-manips and STEALS art from the Internet only to slap her name on it. She believes she's a "business woman" because she has her own "company" that "sells" her own art. AKA mommy and daddy funded her to pay for the making of this company and for the store space (because at the end of the day it's just a store), while she's not actually getting ANY profits in, because guess what: nobody actually wants to BUY multi-hundred dollar canvas prints of art she found on the Internet!

She used to take on freelance illustration jobs when she knew she didn't have the artistic abilities to see them through. So then she sub-contracted them to ME for a very small sum ("we WERE friends, after all!") and took the majority of the money for herself while telling her clients that the art made was done by her. I was obviously a doormat and an idiot. I know.

She wrote to illustration / graphic design magazines asking them to feature her and then when someone finally did, she acted like it had happened because her amazing talent just stands out from the crowd. She writes a business blog telling people how they can have the same success as her (stealing, lying and manipulation are not a part of her advice).

I am an architect. I have finished Architecture school and for now I work in an Architecture firm. I have done freelance illustration and have even done commercial design in my own country. I paint both traditionally and digitally and know some 3D-modelling basics. I am passionate about animation and film. I rarely have the balls to call myself "an artist". However, this POS not only describes herself as an "up-and-coming artist" but she also used to treat me like I was inferior to her. I was the little kid with a paintbrush and she was the successful business woman that I would do well to stay around, if I wanted to share in her success. My job was "cute" because I worked for someone else, while she was the real "adult" between the two of us, because she was "making it big on her own".

She copied project ideas from me or spoke about my projects as if they were her own. She commissioned a painting from me and then never paid for it ("Thank you, bestie, you rock! Smooches!") and is now showcasing it on her website as "an example of her work". I have stopped speaking to her a while ago but I really wish there will come a day when someone goes ahead and commissions something "like THAT piece!" from her - because hey guess what... she wouldn't be able to pull it off! And she doesn't have me to leech off of anymore! Ha!

She lives in one of the several apartments her parents own. She pays no rent, no heat, no nothing. She never cooks - she just orders food. She doesn't have to clean because her parents have a cleaning lady coming in twice a week.

She's "an artist". She's "a business woman". She's "a success story". She arrived where she is because "she worked hard to get there". She works in "architecture" and "interior design" (because in her megalomaniac worldview, printing out stuff on canvases that you hang on WALLS = working in interior design = working in architecture). She started Law school many years back but didn't get her degree all the way. She has NO artistic training or any knowledge on the history and styles of art.

And that's WITHOUT mentioning all the other lovely sides of her existence: her "veganism" (eating Pizza Hut pizza and pasta, ordering out every day, etc) and "amazing health" that I should learn to copy... even though she's obese so she shouldn't be giving ANYONE dietary or health advice! Yeah, having my food called "cancer on a plate" at a public lunch table is one of the reasons why "vegans" give me the heebie jeebies now. Then there's my "friend"'s "yoga" courses that she only started because she wanted to "open up her own studio and make money off of it!". Her "deep pain at all the suffering in the world", coupled with aggressive reactions when told she can always hop on a plane and volunteer in Africa if her heart's bleeding for humanity so damn much! Her judging everybody's relationships and life choices, even though she never had to make a single choice and she just has the money to do anything she WANTS in her life without even minimal effort!

She's nothing and yet she sees herself as "everything". Just like how you describe your sister and Gwyneth... These people are a plague. I like to think that on some level they're aware of their own (lack of) worth and that they'e trying to compensate by boasting such a huge ego... but I guess I'm just kidding myself.


Why people can't stand her. Short and to the point.

Her looks:

Her legs:

And her money.


Lots of women have looks, legs, and money, and people love them.

It's no sin to have a 90 IQ - the problem occurs when people with little native intelligence or education believe they are smarter than everyone else and, more importantly, behave accordingly.

That's why people hate her.


She is pretentious and snooty and doesn't really know her place. She is a good actress but she gives off this vibe like she is better than everybody else, a lot of the crap she posts are not scientifically accurate.


Jelly people are boing...


So fucking true..
