MovieChat Forums > Nick Nolte Discussion > Did he dislike Eddie Murphy?

Did he dislike Eddie Murphy?

I was watching the THR Roundtable interview 2011 where they have about 6 actors who are frontrunners for award nominations and discuss acting with them. I forget what question Nick was asked but his answer was something like "They said the black kid wasn't funny." The fact that he's referring to a well known movie star as "the black kid" makes it seem like he doesn't think much of Eddie Murphy.


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Maybe he was just quoting a studio person. I believe they got on okay. I think for Another 48 Hrs Murphy was into the star thing so things may have changed then. But I don't think they ever fell out or disliked each other


Murphy kept trying to get Nolte to put on women's clothing. At first Nick played along, as he figured Eddie was joking. But after awhile he started to find something a little 'odd' about it all. Nick would then change the subject each time Murphy would push lipstick and high heel's in his direction. At this point, the damage was irreparable. Liquid Ecstasy has helped Nick for years cope with the pain and torture that Eddie put him through.

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What on Earth do you mean?

I can see Nick not liking Murphy, but being so damaged that he needed Liquid eEcstasy?

Carpe Noctem!
