his accent?

I'm not always very good at identifying accents. He sounds basically Aussie or Kiwi to me, but I'm not really sure.... IMDB says he spent his early years in Northern Ireland, New Zealand, and also England, soooo he could have a mixed accent, I guess.

Can anybody comment on this? To people who actually know what they're talking about, does he sound more New Zealandy, Northern Irish, maybe a little British, or just a combination???

You are toast, my toasty friend.


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He sounds half Kiwi half English. Definitely both but I can't pick up any Irish. That's just me though being from New Zealand.


he has a very old fashioned New Zealand accent; the way Kiwi News presenters and journalists spoke during the 1960s and 70s which resembled the English accent. Now there seems to be more emphasis on having our own unique accent.


in Wimbledon his acted American accent was awful


It's quite a neutral accent actually. It would be a passable formal Australian accent. Nothing in it that makes it distinctly New Zealand. I believe he's done a lot of work in the UK. Probably explains the accent.
