MovieChat Forums > Liam Neeson Discussion > Men in Black fans threaten ‘boycott’ unl...

Men in Black fans threaten ‘boycott’ unless 'racist' star is scrapped from film

Oooo ... a SJW boycott. The studio will lose %1 of tickets.

They cancelled the red carpet for cold pursuit, but the premiere continues.

Fans are calling for Liam Neeson’s Men in Black scenes to be scrapped in the wake of his shock admission that he once wanted to “kill a black b******”.

Neeson confessed to prowling the streets with a “cosh” for a week to seek revenge after his friend was raped by someone of the same race some 40 years ago.

The Taken actor, who made the comments during an interview with the Independent to promote his latest film Cold Pursuit, insisted he is “not racist” and told Good Morning America that he is “ashamed” of his “primal urge” to be violent.

His response failed to calm the backlash, with many calling for him to be scrapped from the upcoming multimillion pound Men in Black International, which also stars Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson.


How many fans?

More that ten?


How does anyone know that the accuser was telling the truth?

In today's push back against #Metoo and the so-called rush to justice, what makes anyone think that the woman was 100% being forthright. Tawana Brawley happened exactly 30 years ago. She was initially believed but her story began to fall apart. meanwhile those that were her accused perps where dealt with unfairly in the Court of Public Opinion and restitution had to be claimed.

There are two things that set the events described by Liam in motion and overheated his desire and they were the fear of Blacks and the desire to protect the symbol of racial purity, white women. I am by no means trouncing white women because it is white men who exact their vengeance in the name of racial superiority on any that will deflower what they feel belongs to them. No one is justifying rape either.

Men rape. Period. One of the spoils of war and conquest for males is rape. But for some reason blacks are viewed as the highest example of an affront to be visited upon white women.

Nothing about Liam Neeson's story is an epiphany nor a cautionary moment in ignorance regarding his own relative morality. Many whites love to trot out anecdotal stories of blacks raping, killing, maiming whites as some type of equivalent justification for these Liam type of revenge based vigilantism fantasies.

Liam says he's not a racist. I don't know if he said he wasn't a racist then so there is nothing to react to. Therefore okay to himself he's not a racist nor has ever been a racist.

But, Liam is and was a violent delusional Psychopath. He has found a way to channel that disorder into making movies where he invokes that revenge fantasy over and over and over again. Quenching that thirst has made him rich.


Men rape. Period.
You seem very complacent about men committing rape.

And even though Neeson was wrong to feel such anger towards an entire race of men, and has thankfully shown remorse for their twisted mindset, a mindset from FORTY years ago, during a MUCH less enlightened era, in this instance his relative stated that she was raped by a black man.

Do you doubt that black men rape as well as white men? Do you exonerate the likes of Justice Clarence Thomas, Bill Cosby, and R Kelly, on the basis of their skin colour? Did you automatically doubt Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax's accuser as soon as you discovered the colour of his skin?

Or do you only doubt rape victims when they are white?


You seem very complacent about men committing rape.
Maybe it takes more than a second for it to sink in what I wrote.

There is NOTHING that is complacent about men committing rape. If anything you should have picked up on the varying degrees of outrage expressed when Black men allegedly commit rape against a white woman and or when Black men allegedly commit rape against a black woman.

And even though Neeson was wrong to feel such anger towards an entire race of men, and has thankfully shown remorse for their twisted mindset, a mindset from FORTY years ago, during a MUCH less enlightened era, in this instance his relative stated that she was raped by a black man.

Neeson's over the top and dramatic reactions started before the telling of the story by his female friend. Liam had to have had some type of animus in his heart and mind against Blacks or psychological disorder to jump to revenge against another human being without rhyme or reason as to if that human being even committed the crime. He punctuated his hate by referring to an unknown person as Black Bastard. If he were not a racist why not just say Bastard? You think he would have said Asian Bastard or White Bastard if he knew the ethnicity or nationality of the alleged person?

That American Bastard or Yank Bastard? Liam's not even a equal opportunity racist.

Do you doubt that black men rape as well as white men?
What does Rape culture for society and men have to do with what Liam set out to do? I stated quite clearly

Men Rape. Period.
That means Japanese men, South Korean Men, Swedish Men, Nigerian Men, Mexican Men, Spanish Men.
Men Rape Period.

Again why bring up this absolutely disconnected need for a false equivalency? Can a white woman who is a prostitute be raped by a black man? of course. She could also lie. The problem is with the person out in a quest for revenge and not for justice and their intent and motivations.

Do you exonerate the likes of Justice Clarence Thomas, Bill Cosby, and R Kelly, on the basis of their skin colour?
What are you on about? Who is questioning the legal position of those individuals? What does their skin color have to do with Liam Neeson? What Cosby, Thomas and Kelly did or did not do has no bearing on the mindset of Liam Neeson. Are you suggesting that all Black people are inherently violent and Neeson was motivated by that?

Did you automatically doubt Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax's accuser as soon as you discovered the colour of his skin?
I have no idea in regards to the situation of Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax. Are you suggesting there should be a rush to criminalize him now because he is Black?

Or do you only doubt rape victims when they are white?
Did you understand or a least try and Google who Tawanna Brawley was? She was black and lied about being raped by white police officers.

No, it appears that without enough data you and Liam believe the white woman JUST because she is white. I don't doubt her story one way or the other.

What YOU fail to recognize is that Liam went off on a vigilante fantasy without knowing any truth and chalks it all up to primordial rage.

This is why innocent people suffer.


Neeson's over the top and dramatic reactions started before the telling of the story by his female friend. Liam had to have had some type of animus in his heart and mind against Blacks or psychological disorder to jump to revenge against another human being without rhyme or reason as to if that human being even committed the crime. He punctuated his hate by referring to an unknown person as Black Bastard. If he were not a racist why not just say Bastard? You think he would have said Asian Bastard or White Bastard if he knew the ethnicity or nationality of the alleged person?
I can't remotely defend anything that apparently went through Neeson's head forty years ago, but the salient point is, THIS WAS FORTY YEARS AGO.

If racists are not permitted to change what is the solution? Just carry on? Have another civil war?

Or, and here's a radical suggestion, why don't we focus on educating racists and facilitating their development as mature, empathetic and thoughtful human beings?

If Neeson still harbours such racist thoughts, he deserves to be excommunicated from Hollywood (admittedly, I was about to use the word 'blacklisted', but I see that it's partly that type of language that unhelpfully contributes to unconscious racism), but why would he publicly confess such a disturbing story if he still felt such racial hatred?


I never stated or demanded anything happen to Liam Neeson. he says he's not a racist. I think the man is an admitted psychopath. Maybe when he sought out treatment that is what he was treated for. I highly doubt he sought professional help for racism because he doesn't ever admit to being a racist then or now and I'm not asking him to admit anything.

The conditions that shaped, molded and influenced Liam in his heart, mind and actions they are the root of his problem. It didn't matter if it was 4 days ago, 40 years ago or 400 years ago. Liam was nothing more than an instrument for whatever shaped his mind and actions 40 years ago. It would have been so easy for Liam to express that which caused him to do what he set out to do but was unable to accomplish.

If racists are not permitted to change what is the solution? Just carry on? Have another civil war?

Or, and here's a radical suggestion, why don't we focus on educating racists and facilitating their development as mature, empathetic and thoughtful human beings?
Of course. Hate the sin but not the sinner. The sinner can be healed, forgiven and maybe even cured but where does the Sin of Racism begin and end?

Where is this Racism coming from? What keeps it going? What feeds it?

Again, I'm not publicly castigating Liam Neeson but I do feel the general public is ignoring what the problem is.

Please stop with this overly silly refusal to use Blacklist, Black Balled, Black Hat or Black Mailed. It has nothing to do with black people. It's not cute and is disingenuous.

I worked as an usher for a soccer match in the states years ago. It was Serbia vs Croatia and this guy asked me a random question. He asked me, for no apparent reason, why there were no Black people in the bible? Why were there no Black angels depicted in church murals and paintings?

I asked him, "That if man was made in God's image did God have a belly button, a navel? If yes God is a woman and if no we are not made in God's physical image."

I ask you where does this racism come from and who perpetuates it?

Racism comes from those who live in fear and ignorance.


You say you're not castigating Neeson, but you precede that by calling him a 'psychopath'. But does Neeson still harbour such murderous, violent tendencies?

As for the rest of your post, I mostly agree, and I appreciate the fair-minded and reasonable tone. And like you say, hate the sin but not the sinner. Hate racism, but give racists the opportunity to change.

With respect to my 'silly refusal' to use terms like 'blacklist' and 'blackmail' etcetera, I would concede that this is hardly the biggest and most important issue as far as racism is concerned however, words can and do shape, however subconsciously, our attitudes, and if we can find substitutes to words that inadvertently associate 'black' with all that is bad in the world, then I would ideally like to use them.


Again I am not castigating Liam in public with an insistence on calling him a racist.

I think Liam is more in fear of being labeled and called a Racist. I don't feel that calling him what he is by the behavior he has exhibited and how he uses that mindset in his profession is damning him or castigating him. The fact that he didn't get a chance to act on his destructive tendencies is good for him, the anonymous victim and society.

In light of his apparent press tour arc Liam is probably not driven by any psychopathic behavior or real thoughts. I mean now he is just acting and using those thoughts to assist him in almost method acting? Yes, No? At this point I don't know if Liam is even aware enough as to what happened and what he did from the outside looking in. Liam is very much living in his own reality of perceived innocence. Not once did he take the POV of his potential victims, those so-called Black Bastards. Liam has yet to achieve a clarity of thought, purpose and enlightenment because he is still focused on Liam and his career.

When Liam set out those days and nights it was about him and not about the girl or woman he claimed to be avenging.


With respect to my 'silly refusal' to use terms like 'blacklist' and 'blackmail' etcetera, I would concede that this is hardly the biggest and most important issue as far as racism is concerned however, words can and do shape, however subconsciously, our attitudes, and if we can find substitutes to words that inadvertently associate 'black' with all that is bad in the world, then I would ideally like to use them.
The point is "Authenticity" and I believe you do NOT personally use those words to denigrate or to perpetuate the denigration of people of color. I believe this only by other things you have typed. I don't know that for a fact. You can not account or take responsibility for how others will take those words unless you intentionally provide misleading or intended context. Most informed, aware and "woke" people are just as aware as to the nuances of language.

I support and understand your desire for non-racially coded words. Just express yourself honestly and a discussion towards understanding will flow fine.


Yeah, you're a fucking piece of shit. Or a troll. Poe's Law makes it impossible to tell unfortunately.


Gee, that's a nice sentiment to share with someone. What are you so upset about?


Men do not rape. Rapists rape. Rapists can have any sex organs.

No one listen to this fool.


HuMans rape. Rapists rape. Rapists can have any sex organs. Humans are rapists.
There, I fixed that for you.

You're welcome.


I don't know if this is a SJW cause. I do think this backlash is ridiculous.


The reaction is typical. This is the era where overzealous, vindictive, attention-seeking armchair "heroes" loudly ostracize someone for indiscreet things they said (or in this case felt, but thankfully never had a chance to act upon) many years or even decades ago, even though the person has learned, grown, and changed for the better in the meantime. People just don't have a sense of forgiveness and decency, to allow for healing, reconciliation, and moving on.




Never liked Liam Neeson. Anyone who thinks hunting for just any black man to kill because a friend was raped by someone of the same race isn't "racist" is out of his mind. If she'd been raped by an Irishman, would he have stabbed himself? No, because he'd realize in that case it wouldn't have helped his friend at all. Neither would his stabbing some hard-working father of three -- or was he going to interview them first? -- because he wanted to kill some member of the same race. Which isn't racist. Not even in the least. 🙄

BTW, one more MIB is one very bad idea.


Uh, where is the evidence he ever went out hunting black men?


He said it himself in an interview, then apologized for it on an American morning show.


Thank you for walking into the trap.

We've now established you believe Liam Neeson. Does your belief extend to 5 seconds later when he says he realized the error of his ways and sought help and became a better man? Or do you only believe the part that makes him look bad, but not the part where he changes?


You're not having problems with why he seemed to be completely caught off guard by the backlash, but I am.

Let's put it this way -- change "Liam Neeson" to "Donald Trump" and see if you still feel the same way, or do you feel as I do, that maybe at long last finally realizing that spending over a week looking to kill just any black man wasn't the right thing, doesn't quite cut it. But he's so over it now -- he doesn't have even flashes of homicidal temper against any race, let alone seething with it for a solid week and a half as he did -- and we can be sure of this because he's said so after being hit by an epic backlash that caught him completely off-guard and threatens to wipe out his career. Well, "completely off-guard" is an unfortunate phrase, because again, he's a changed man and totally gets that it was a heinous, unspeakable thing he did.

Maybe this totally changed man still doesn't get how awful it was, which is why he talked about it in the first place; or how unbelievable it was that he was trying to pass this off as a crime of passion, when the passion wasn't "heat of the moment," but it took him a week or a week and a half to start to think rationally again?

Yes, I believe his original story, since I've known a number of people who cluelessly tell the most outrageous things about themselves. But they all had one thing in common -- they didn't seem to know how outrageous it was, and always thought an excuse that didn't add up would convince more than their most ardent fans.


You need to get the story straight before you rashly post an uninformed and nonfactual comment like this, making a fool of yourself in the process. No offense.


Yeah. I hate to make patently false statements in public.

Or just Google the search string, "Liam Neeson looking for black man." He admitted he wasn't looking for the man who raped his friend; just any black man would do: “I went up and down areas with a cosh [bludgeon], hoping I’d be approached by somebody — I’m ashamed to say that … hoping some ‘black bastard’ would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could … kill him.” He said he did that for “a week, maybe a week and a half."

Now, we can debate whether one more MIB is a good idea or not, but the rest of what I said is rock solid.


Boycott? So what? Let 'em suck eggs.


F 'em. Who cares what the idiots think. There are still plenty of more intelligent fans who will go to see it.
