MovieChat Forums > Rose McGowan Discussion > Rose McGowan. Shut Up Already.

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this girl is dumb as a bag of hammers. *beep* her and her big tits. i never liked her.


She's become annoying like Chrissy Teigen.


She thinks she's so intelligent and deep.
Ends up showing she knows nothing about the genre.
Or that villains aren't politically correct.


I just saw on her Facebook page and now a few other things and came here to find out what her big women's crusade tirade is all about.

Isn't this the broad that broke up Rodriguez' marriage by fooling with a married man?

Sorry, hun, just because you played your big boobs and hot looks for a nice career and now cannot get hired because your day has passed, quit whining and blaming it on men. You played the game, and now game over.

Quit blaming it on men and the "Hollywood machine", you got rich and famous because you used your sex appeal and your attempt to claim some moral high ground now is not going to work except on some fellow broads who can't accept responsibility.
