MovieChat Forums > Sophie Marceau Discussion > Why women needn't worry about turning 40

Why women needn't worry about turning 40

Here is a photo of Sophie Marceau, 43, and Monica Bellucci, 44. Both of them look better than any woman I can think of in their twenties:

Maybe, it's something in the food, or the air, or the water in Paris, or something; since, Sophie was born in Paris and Monica lives there. So maybe I should say if you're in your forties and live in Paris, you'll be all right.

"I saw that movie on a plane and people still walked out." - Bill Hader (Sam Raimi birthday video)


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*beep* hell...pwhoarrr

Looking after yourself is key here. Eat right, well basically live like a monk.


2 foxy ladies!


they both look great but to say you can't think of any woman in her twenties that looks as good is a bit worrying.


uhhhhh HOT DAMN



Well I think plastic surgery and photoshop editing had a bit to do with it too.

Nevertheless, two beautiful and talented women.


If they were women in Hollywood I'd agree with you, but European women tend to embrace their age much more maturely than their American counterparts.


40 is still young these days.
