She looks like

I think Sophie looks like Vera Farmiga and Olga Kurylenko (Hitman).


Vera Farmiga is from the movie The Departed.


Sophie's eyes definitely remind me of Vera Farmiga. And there was a scene QoS where I thought Olga almost looked exactly like Sophie (the scene where she and Bond are right outside the villain's desert hideout, ready to break in).

Considering I think Sophie might very well be the most beautiful woman in the world (or tied with softcore actress Sasha Peralto and the underrated Kate Beckinsale), I definitely think she's much hotter than Vera and Olga, though Olga is a hottie in her own right.


shes may looks like a bit of Mylène Jampanoï [she's also has the most stunning eyes too]
look @ this pretty girl shot..

Don't they look similar????
Don't u guys agreed with me?

Sophie Marceau Shot...

Mylène Jampanoï...


She reminds me of Isabelle Adjani a bit, with a sprinkle of Monica Belucci.Either way she is simply jaw dropping beautiful.


She looks like Catherine Zeta Jones, especially when she was younger.


To be honest .. a younger version of Sophie Marceau and a younger version of brooke shields are very comparable. Brooke had that stark and striking beauty and Sophie a mover softer and subtle beauty. While their beauty has faded with time I'd still not kick them out of bed for eating crackers (grin) Ofcourse.. If I got either of them in bed I'd be to dumb struck to do anything so ah well.. It's nice to dream!

Kidding aside she's definitely one of the most beautiful women out there.


I agree that she looks like CZJ but I also thought that mixed a little with a younger Demi Moore (mostly just in the eyes) :)

My name is Blue Canary, Spelled l-i-t-e


Agreed.. so much like Monica Belucci that I was confused and had to look them up to compare.
