Her taste in men!

Zulawski ( 26 years her senior), Jim Lemley, Lambert! Ugh! I mean, what was going on in her mind?


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She likes mature experienced man, since she dated Zulawski when 18 years old. It's common woman fetish because gives paternal security sense.


I prefer dating women 10 years older than me. They're generally more mature and get over a lot of the lying/manipulating/games that younger people enjoy.


Older women and cellulite. What can you do? The fact that you're willing to overlook this is admirable.


Lambert looks like a chimpanzee with no teeth. Zukawski makes Moses look young. As for Jim Lemley, that man is blessed with good looks; Heck if I were her I would not have ditched him in the first place.


Older women and cellulite. What can you do? The fact that you're willing to overlook this is admirable.
You obviously cherish physicality over credibility.


Tanster-1 & sh!t, is there really any comparison, redundant at best.
