MovieChat Forums > Sophie Marceau Discussion > Sad, she's getting old

Sad, she's getting old

Time is bad. Sophie is aging and her face is changing to a tired semblance. She doesn't have the thing anymore. We're lost another wonderfull woman in cinema.

I remember how wonderfull Catherine Spaak and Claudia Cardinalle was. And seeing her photos today I can only say: Time is bad.


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C'mon she still looks beautiful. Time and aging are not the issues, it's society's perception that a women over 30, or 35, or 40--whatever age cutoff-- cannot be beautiful. Sure, she won't be playing the ingenue anymore, but she has aged beautifully and still has that radiance about her.

There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel.


Time is bad. Sophie is aging and her face is changing to a tired semblance. She doesn't have the thing anymore. We're lost another wonderfull woman in cinema.

You are out of your mind. She may not be in her 20s anymore, but she has reached the next phrase of her life, middle age and she looks likes she did in her 20s, just more mature, womanly features. Compare her to you when you reach her age (if you are not pass her age already). She has plenty of living to do and still "has the look". You look on the street for a mid 40 ish women and you know you will have a hard time finding a woman that looks like Ms. Marceau anywhere on this planet. And she is not even overweight, a curse that afflicts us when we reach our late 30s.

RIP actress Inger Stensland (1934 -1970)


Are you kidding? She looks fantastic. Just because she cut her hair, is that why you think that? She's beautiful.


Did the OP think that she was Hebe or something?


OP, are you really that shallow? You talk as if she has some disease or disfigurement. She may be getting older, but that doesn't mean she's lost her worth. Just because Hollywood is shallow doesn't mean you have to be. Think about it.
