Hot or not?

I don't know what to think about Sophie. What does everyone else think?


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She's SOOOOO hot, well, hotter a decade ago, man, if I had a tiem machine I'd bring her back from 1995 and become her unnattacheable lover. OH YEAH!


One of the VERY few women I think looks better with short hair (above/at the shoulders)

Don't know why, I usually chase after women with long hair...but for some reason, the shorter look really works for her.


Definitely hot, but also hotter with long hair. Anyone know if her hair in Braveheart was real?

Edit: Just saw the left side picture of her, which is recent, and that picture is pretty grotesque... definitely used to be hot though.


Are You serious?!

Hot - yes. And one of the constant actresses that film fans I know will describe as "Beautiful" without exception. If she was younger (for the character I mean, she is immaculate to me as is) at the time, she would have been ideal as Helen in "Troy." And of course if the film (Eric Bana excluded) hadn't been so underachieving.


Her IMDB pictures doesnt do her justice...
