
In the new episodes SSI disability should make Frank get a job, or pay back the money he's gotten falsely. It should go like this his kids fed up with his antics rat him out to SSI Disability and that gets the ball rolling with their investigations. Like that Greg Kenear movie where he was a con man got caught and it was ether work in the Post Office or jail.
I mean the kids already gave up on him and drug him outside in the snow and left him there then recently another son tossed him over a bridge hoping it kill him, I mean wouldn't ratting him out to disability be another step the kids could use?
How many of you feel sorry for Fiona? I mean she got the worse end of the deal, their mom bailed on them when the youngest was a baby she had to quit school to get a job and help out, then she had to go to court to get custody of her siblings so they wouldn't end up in foster care. frank wont work, drank away his liver got a new liver lost his kidney and was still drinking. the mom returns for a while promises the kids she's all better skips back into her old self and bails on them again. For a few episodes Fiona seems to finally catch a break and gets a good paying job with health benefits for her and her siblings, then it gets screwed up looses that job ends up in jail.
I just had to say it
