Weird face

I'm sorry but I never understood the hype with Rob Lowe. I don't find him overly good looking or "handsome". He looked average in his younger years and now he just looks like a dude with too much botox and work done to his face. He just looks too fake to me. And the fact that he's an *beep* in real life doesn't make him any more appealing. Why do people consider this guy handsome?


I think he's handsome.


Came to say this. Saw him in a recent movie and his face is so plastic it's disgusting. Handsome? Maybe in his younger ore Botox days now he looks like a clown!


Saw him in a recent movie and his face is so plastic it's disgusting. Handsome? Maybe in his younger ore Botox days now he looks like a clown!

I don't understand what these Hollywood types do to their faces. Given the choice between having a wrinkle in their faces or looking DEFORMED, they choose to look DEFORMED.

Barry Manilow looks like a wax dummy with a paralyzed face. The only thing that moves on Connie Francis's face is her bottom lip!

What the hell do they see when then look in the mirror ???


I wonder what he looks like without makeup. We've never seen it.


In his younger days he was extremely handsome...but strangely in an almost sexless way.
There are female equivalents with technical good looks that make them look like dolls.

But I don't think he looks anymore fake now than 90% his age.
