MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lien Discussion > incredibly attractive

incredibly attractive

In the SLC Punk/American History X period where she had jet black hair, unbelievable.

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams


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She was very pretty in American History X with little make up and her natural blonde hair. And a good look in SLC Punk, agreed, dramtic change for a role and she was great!


Maybe I'm confused...I thought she was the girl with the chelsea cut. Norton's girlfriend in American History X?

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams


She was Edward Norton's character (Derek)'s sister (Davina) in American History X who was seen at home studying etc throughout the film and comes at him with a baseball bat during the flashback. Here's an image from my website:

She was Matthew Lillard's character (Stevo)'s girlfriend (Sandy) in SLC Punk. That's the only time she's had her hair a colour other than blonde.


Oh, then who played his girlfriend?

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams


Been a while since I've seen the film, but looking at the IMDb page, it looks like it was Fairuza Balk. I got confused because I thought you meant Jennifer Lien with black hair in SLC Punk.


The girl who first showed me SLC Punk looked JUST LIKE Sandy.

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams


Totality hot
