I think

She was brilliant and oh so sexy as Kes from ST Voyager. She seemed to have fun with it, her voice was like velvet and she seemed a natural fit. I could hardly believe my eyes when American History X came out and the same women played the down trodden, college driven Davina. I don't think Lien did anything wrong other than get herself in the wrong movie for her. Perhaps she had some motivation to appear in something new, but this wasn't the one. She comes off as superior, antagonistic, yet down trodden by a clearly superior performance by Ed Vin. It's as though the director told her not to use any of her actual skills in this. Had it been my show I would have had her as perhaps one if not the major force contributing to Ed's post incarceration changes given her literalistic views. Wouldn't that have been a bit more brilliant? I would've had a scene between Davina and Ed appear long before his ultimate confrontation and then scenes with the other Nazi guys, something along the lines of you were right, I was wrong and a long hug or some stuff. Oh well. Thanks for Kes. Welcome if you come back, and best of luck if you do not. Somewhere in space and time Neelix and Kes will always be in love
