MovieChat Forums > John Hurt Discussion > Whats your favorite John Hurt role?

Whats your favorite John Hurt role?



Hazel in Watership Down, Steven Ward in Scandal & Mr. Ollivander in the Harry Potter & of course in scene stealing Alien. Damn this is sad.


Well, I haven't yet seen "The Naked Civil Servant" (and I really want to. I think Quentin Crisp is a true hero.) Max from "Midnight Express" would be my favorite, followed by Kerwin in "Partners" (which I liked a lot more than most people) then Kane from "Alien". John Hurt was one of my favorite actors. Nobody suffered more exquisitely on screen than John Hurt. Damn!

"Yes, tubing, my precious one! Haven't you ever tubed?!" - Ida


Nobody suffered more exquisitely on screen than John Hurt. Damn!

Wow Mr. H! Only you could see it and express it like this, in a few simple words.

I love The Naked Civil Servant. It is a little gem of a movie, yet for me, it also has an overwhelming current of sadness running through it. Crisp had a life, yet at the same time, he had no life, and his tenacity, intelligence and humor gave him the tools in which to survive.

Don't eat the whole ones!...Those are for the guests. 🍪


Either The War Doctor or Chancellor Sutler in V for Vendetta


Whenever he appeared in a movie or TV show it immediately improved. For me, he'll always be The Storyteller. He had a very distinct acting voice. I will miss him.

. . . The Bones tell me nothing.


Caligula in I, Claudius.

Winston Smith in Nineteen Eighty-four.

Kane in Alien.

Chancellor Adam Sutler in V for Vendetta.

Joseph Merrick in The Elephant Man.

What has he ever done that isn't to love? Every production he was ever in was elevated by his presence.


OMG, this is so hard to answer. He was so good in so many things.

But the one that's uppermost in my mind right now is Control, in 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.'


Caligula in I Claudius
Kane in Alien
Quentin Crisp in the The Naked Civil Servant
Joseph Merrick in The Elephant Man
Control Tinker,Tailor,Soldier,Spy
Trevor "Broom" Brutten in the Hellboy movies
Winston in 1984 (it's no small feat not to get upstaged by Richard Burton)
