1st R.I.P

Sorry to hear thanks for all the memories


One of the greats. Another loss of a genius talent. Sadly missed.


I just found out.


RIP from me too.


Definitely one of the greats. We first got to know his talent in "I, Claudius". Pure joy to watch him ever since.


Audiences were always in good hands with the gifted Sir John Hurt. From the moment he captivated my family in I, Claudius, to his brilliant work as the War Doctor on Doctor Who, he never let us down. I'll miss his work, especially his incredible voice.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 


His performance in I, Claudius, opened my mind to the ancient Roman times forever. Last week being in Rome and visiting the Palatine Hill I was contemplating where these evens really took place, remembering his role and trying to drag my friend to the place where allegedly Caligula was murdered (a long corridor under the hill). In the evening I have heard, John Hurt "finished his days" (as Romans would say). So strange...


Wow! What a cosmic encounter! Sometimes the universe takes in odd directions. Thanks for sharing that story. I felt haunted by I, Claudius, too. About ten years ago, I purchased the DVDs, which I still watch a couple times a year. I get goosebumps every time. Not only was Hurt magnificent, but his chemistry with so many of his luminous costars also remains vivid after 40 years.

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 
