MovieChat Forums > Natasha Henstridge Discussion > Was she really 19 when she did Species?

Was she really 19 when she did Species?

She says so on the commentary...

M'kay, let's do the math.

She was born in '74. Species was released in '95, which would make her 21. However, Species was probably filmed a year or two beforehand, which would make her 19/20. If that's true then WOW. She looked very mature for her age - I was thinking she was 25 or something.


you're on the imdb website, you can see in an instant what year she's born and what year species came out. shouldn't be a too hard calculation:-)


I know what your saying Jay I'm watching Species right now on Space, which made me want to visit IMDB to see how old she was when she Made Species and I was shocked when I saw she was born in '74. I thought she was at least 25 or 26, but 19/20 wow that's crazy.

I Love Movies


Yeah I agree. I thought she was in her late twenties, like 27/28. But I was off by a decade. She sure did look old for her age.

"It looks a bit sweaty in there so you may need to apply baby powder" Zapp Brannigan


Not at all


Was she really 19 when she did Species?

possibly as the movie was released July 1995 and she was not 21 til Aug 1995. so that means she could not have been any older than 20 tops and possibly 19 area when it was filmed.

She looked very mature for her age - I was thinking she was 25 or something.

Agreed. she's one of those people who come across older than her age as while she did look quite young she looks older than 19-20 and probably closer to mid-20's or so in Species.

even in The Whole Nine Yards (2000) she likely would have been 24-25 at the time of filming and she looks more in the 30-ish area, maybe a bit more.

it might be the way she comes across that makes her appear older than her age as there is many who are in the mid-20's area that could still pass for teenagers.

p.s. this is not a dis on her or anything, some people just come across older than their age and some come across younger as many of those who are in their mid-20 area could still plausibly pass for teenagers.

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It has to do with the lack of fat - baby fat in the face, or any fat anywhere on her body. Her face and body look lean, trim, and we tend to associate that with someone older than 19.

But holy sh!t, whatever age, she was insanely hot!

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
