MovieChat Forums > Mark Hamill Discussion > Kinda weird his career

Kinda weird his career

I mean its not like he isnt successful plus I love his voice roles but he was the lead in the biggest scifi franchise ever and wow he never really became a big movie star, I wish he did somehow. Whatever though since he is coming back to star wars its likely he will get more and more roles I hope.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


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I've thought this too. Something tells me he didn't want to be a big movie star. He enjoys the voiceover work because he can really go off the walls without people having to see his face.


OP, I bet any money it's just that Mark Hamill doesn't care about being a big celebrity. He's had an enormous reputation with Luke Skywalker. Everyone in the world will always remember him for that role, and I'm sure it has brought him plenty of financial success as well with his face being plastered in toys and games for decades.

With that being said, he is a genuinely good actor and it would have been nice if we could have seen him in more films over the years. Luckily he is back as Luke Skywalker again!


What happened to his face may have changed the outlook of his career after Star wars which is why he went mostly into voice over work.


Mickey rourke had something similar but he still became successful.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Mark Hamill was also typecast by Star Wars, only Harrison Ford managed to become a big star.


What haoppened to his face? Because he got old, you mean? Happens to the best of us! lol

Who hurt you, vicious circle?


I think Harrison Ford is the only actor/actress who came out of the original Star Wars film with their career intact (James Earl Jones only lent his voice so I don't count him). Maybe it's because their careers peaked too early or maybe typecasting hurt them. Regardless I don't think Hamill today is hurting for work. Looking at all the stuff he did in 2015 is mind boggling. Does the man ever sleep?!?
