MovieChat Forums > Mark Hamill Discussion > Hamil vs Guiness at age 60 something

Hamil vs Guiness at age 60 something

I don't know why but it seems like certain actors remain youthful. Mark Hamil still seems to have that energy of someone in their late 20/or 30's. He does not seem like a 63 yr old man.

While Alec Guiness actually came across as older. Like he was more closer to 80.

Do you think its the times we live in or people just age differently.

Robert Redford looks more late 50's than late 70's.


Mark Hamill looks really old, and Robert Redford in Captain America 2 looks 70 not 50


Facepain. I work at a hospital and I interact with a lot of people. I may give you that Redford may look close to 70. I think he could get away with 65.

Mark Hamil at 63 to me and the way he sounds. Comes off as late 40s tops. His energy comes off as a young guy. Guiness comes off as an Old Man that needs a wheel chair. Even Anthony Hokins in Zorro came off as younger, even though he was 60 when he made the first Zorro.

I guess I have a different perception of age.



Back then people started to look old when they were in the late 40s.

My grandfather had full white hair in his late 40s. He looked like a 65 year old man in his 40s.

I guess they didn't dye their hair back then much.


Plastic Surgery was not that popular then, but who wants to look like Sylvester Stallone?


I'm not sure if it was the times versus just how different personalites Alec Guiness was to Mark Hamill. Sir Alec Guiness was a proud, dignified actor who was knighted. Guiness hated Star Wars and thought it was full of "childish banalities". While Mark Hamill is a guy who is more a common man who embraces the inner geek in all of us.

I mean not every 17 year old is going to be a stereotypical rebellious teenager. Some are going to be extremely behaved, polite and hardworking. Others are going to be shy and reserved. Some are loners. Some are wild childs that fit the constant partying/rebellious teenager stereotype. But everyone is different. Same with Mark Hamill and Sir Alec Guiness. In everyday life I've met people in their late 20s I would swear were 45, and I've met 40 year olds who could pass for 23 and even act real young. Again, everyone is different.
