MovieChat Forums > Mark Hamill Discussion > SPOILER FORCE AWAKENS comment


All I want to say is that he never spoke and was only given about 18 seconds of screen time but Mark Hamill's performance of Luke all these years later is Oscar worthy. He showed so much pain and anguish. I was brought to tears. Amazing.

why me wurry


Yes, he was great, but what a huge wasted opportunity not to have Luke, Leia, and Han reunited one last time!


I hear ya, but for me I never even thought about that. Not sure why, but I never thought about the three of them being together. It would almost be weird depending on how it would be handled.

why me wurry


I know right? Also do you think Rey might be possibly the daughter of Luke Skywalker? It shows that Skywalker had a son with Mara Jade who gave birth to their son, Ben Skywalker. I think the replacement for Ben Skywalker would be Rey Skywalker... but they can always change it, right? Here's my theory though. I'm speculating that that she might be the possible daughter of Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa Solo, if not Luke Skywalker, so maybe she was a Jedi in training in the past when she was a kid trained by Luke (since Luke was the only Jedi left after Obi wan Kenobi and Vader (Anakin Skywalker)). When Kylo Ren started to turn into the dark side that's when Luke stopped training Jedis, from what I’m inferring. So I would assume maybe that even Ren killed a lot of kids like Vader did, and so Luke possibly wiped a lot of her memory and I think she was put in Jakku to hide her.


Reuniting after the story set up would have been pandering and hokey. The guy is isolated probably feeling that he failed his family, failed the Jedi...potentially leading to another disaster, so he had to leave....OR he is playing both sides as a Sith...bum bum bummmmmmm.

I was hoping the saber would fly to him at the end...but a reunion? Nah. No thanks. I wanted a great movie not a cast reunion.


@mrjohns Reuniting after the story set up would have been pandering and hokey.
100% agree. The fact that they didn't give us that scene was a great decision. Han and Leia reuniting was plenty.


Yes, he was great, but what a huge wasted opportunity not to have Luke, Leia, and Han reunited one last time!

Unless the movie was longer, it wouldn't have worked with the script. Maybe we'll have that in a flashback in the next movie though. I was fine with the way it was handled in the movie. It made sense given the circumstances.


I think she's Luke's daughter. I went back and forth with her being Luke's daughter, and her being Han and Lea's daughter. However there were a lot of hints at her being Luke's daughter. The pilot doll in her tent, the helmet she wore while eating, Maz saying she was holding Luke's lightsaber to give to her. Plus leaving her on a dessert planet, much like Luke was on one. She's a really good pilot, and she's good with machines. Her outfit was similar to Luke's first one (not to mentioned, was basically the one that was going to be used in the original trilogy when they played with the idea of Luke being a woman). I'm sure there are more, I'll see what I catch on subsequent viewings. I just saw it yesterday afternoon for the first time and there was a lot to take in. It's definitely one of those movies you need to see at least twice, if not more, to catch everything.

Of course if she is, the question of memories comes up. Did Luke know about her, or was she kept hidden from him like Luke and Lea were hidden from Anakin? What about Han and Lea? They didn't know who she was, so were everyone's knowledge of her erased to keep her safe from Ren? Or did they not know about her?

A lot of unanswered questions that we'll probably get answers to in the next movie.

This is the possible theory. Took me a while to wrote, kind of copy+paste and put things into my own words based on possible theories.

I think it's either Theory #2 or #3.
