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How much did he get paid for The Force awakens?

I am just curious as to how much he got paid. I was quite disappointed to see his appearance in the film wasreduced to 20 seconds right at the end with no dialogue. That's just a cameo yet he got third billing. Was he paid for a trilogy or only for this film separately?


He probably got a lump sum for 2 (or 3) films.

Yeah, I heard you, hot shot.


It was apparently about $600,000 for the 20 seconds. I don't really know if it's true though.


I read 1.5 million like Carrie. Harrison Ford got 34 million.


If Harrison Ford got so much, how come Luke gets a so little, unless it's only for the part in TFA. I wonder how much he gets for the whole serie. Anyway, this movie sucks big time. I'd really like to hear his genuine opinion on the movie. Besides, it looks like they didn't even know if they wanted Mark in the first movie, they feared people would complain about him not being there, so they added that ridiculous scene at the end. Why is Luke on a remote island, there doesn't seem to be any living being over there, where does he get his food from? And how come the resistance sends Rey alone to meet him whereas they've been looking for him for decades. Shouldn't there be an complete fleet over there. That last shot was terrible.


She wasnt alone. Chewie and R2 were also there. And he clearly was avoiding people like Leia because he failed with her son. Who better to visit than a force user not named Leia who wouldnt be connected to Kylo Rens past.

Sorry Brother.


Besides, it looks like they didn't even know if they wanted Mark in the first movie, they feared people would complain about him not being there, so they added that ridiculous scene at the end.

I always thought they wanted either the three of them or none. It would have made no sense to only get one or two. It had to be the three of them. Now, I think what they've done is build hype and mystery with Luke, now there is a lot of expectation as to what he is going to do in the next film, particularly if Han Solo is going to be out of the picture:
Will he go out of retirement and fight off Kylo Ren( who by then will be much more powerful than in the first film)?)
Will we find out if Rey is his daughter and therefore who the mother is too?
Will he train Rey as a jedi?
I do agree his appearance was very unsatisfactory. Luke Skywalker is the heart of the old trilogy, he's Vader's son. I couldn't believe I waited the whole movie and he didn't even uttered a word. Next one better be good.

Why is Luke on a remote island, there doesn't seem to be any living being over there, where does he get his food from?

You have not seen the rest of the island. For what I could see, there seems to be pastures or something, there was grass. There has to be other forms of life. Remember Yoda also lived in a very remote place yet the planet was full of life, just not civilized life.

And how come the resistance sends Rey alone to meet him whereas they've been looking for him for decades.

There is no need to send a whole fleet. They only need to reconnect, to find him, they are not kidnapping or arresting him. Also Leia is too close to him, what if it triggers some emotion or reaction? If Rey is his daughter he probably has not seen them for years, so he probably will not recognize her.


So you mean after meeting Rey he won't join Leia? That sound stupid, like every other thinh in this movie. The look on the face of Mark Hamill at the end, I felt like he was thinking, what am I doing in this movie, this is a disater, kill me.


It's not smart to send the resistance and/or leia there because they shouldn't be in the same place otherwise the first order could nuke the last Jedi, and the leader of the resistance. And then the whole universe is screwed
