MovieChat Forums > Mark Hamill Discussion > WTF Luke Skywalker G@Y

WTF Luke Skywalker G@Y

WTF Mark, you want to be another Andrew Garfield Spiderman. This is wrong, So wrong.


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just saw what he said on FB i agree hes pulling a garfield idk what the hell goes through these actors minds who do projects with built in audiences .They think they know better than the audience that they can try and say anything different which excludes their very fanbase .There were no gays from the beginning now they want to put gay characters in why? its funny to me how hollywood kow tows to the gay agenda .We don't go into their communities trying to make them start but its ok for them to come and try and turn our strait world gay fuqing retarded fuq them.They got to piggy back there gayness off our straight films because even they know no one would go watch and all gay star wars movie its pathetic .

words have power but when you use them in every sentence the power is weakened "


Sad you think that way. Gay people get heterosexual crap shoved down their throats everyday. And if you had actually bothered to read the whole thing he said its up to each viewer to decide. If one person thinks luke is gay then hes gay if another viewer thinks hes straight then hes straight. My goodness


if you had actually bothered to read the whole thing he said its up to each viewer to decide. If one person thinks luke is gay then hes gay if another viewer thinks hes straight then hes straight.

So if a pedo thinks Luke is just like him, Luke now a pedo?

Well that makes sense, Luke officially Molest his nephew Kylo Ren, and now tortured Ren turned into totally psychopath. Yes Luke definetly gay for making Kylo a total psycho victim.

Mark Hamill go to hell. LUKE IS NOT GAY. END OF STORY.

If we stay the course, we are dead! WE ARE ALL DEAD!


I think the comment he made got twisted a bit around.

If you watch the OT, you will see that Luke is clearly not gay.
Luke being a bisexual, however, is certainly a possibility.


Sad you associate gay people with pedos. So sad



If we stay the course, we are dead! WE ARE ALL DEAD!


You hate liberals yet you watch a movie by liberals. Weird
