MovieChat Forums > Mark Hamill Discussion > Mark Hamill's acting

Mark Hamill's acting

I recently rewatched the original SW trilogy, and my impression again was that Mark did a absolutely great job. Here are some points:

- His facial expressions clearly show the different feelings his character experiences throughout the movies: wide-eyed innocence, fear, despair, confusion, pain, confidence, resolution, determination. It is clear what Luke Skywalker feels at any time, and it allows the viewers to feel empathy and identify with him. And he manages to do this without overacting at any point (something that Harrison Ford was accused of in ROTJ). I remember for example his face when he buried his father: although he didn't pull any strong faces, you can feel all the emotion in him.

- He managed to have the viewers identify with the character, and this is not a small feat. Everybody dreams of being Luke Skywalker after watching the movies (especially younger audiences). And he managed this in spite of the not so smart lines he had to deliver (at least Ford had an advantage here because his character was more funny). I think this is all due to his very well balanced use of body language and facial expressions. He managed to look so cool without overdoing it (on the contrary I think Christensen overdid every single expression and it just looks so bad - and nobody really cares about Anakin).

- Considering the fact that George Lucas is notoriously bad in directing people, it is a miracle that both Hamill and Ford managed to give so much depth and life to their characters and make viewers identify so much with them. It is to their credit that they managed this without strong direction and this shows that they are both gifted. I mostly realised this after watching the prequels, where Lucas made even Ewan McGregor look like a bad actor, let alone the kid that plays Anakin Skywalker.

It is a pity that Mark Hamill was not recognised by some for what he is: a very good actor! And a very versatile one too, when listening to his voice acting.


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Re: Mark Hamill in Star Wars. I have to agree with your assessment.

The best adjective I can think of to describe is SW performance is 'earnest'. Hamill was one of the few actors in the series who seemed to never play a joke, play with a wink toward the audience, but always played with a believeable, honest, earnestness that grounded the trilogy in reality.

Defintely a shame Hamill's film career has not been as visible as it might have, but this might be 100% of his own doing. He seems like a humble fellow, and may well have retreated away from the stardom that was in his grasp. I don't know the man, so I can't say.

But his performance has always been by far my favourite Star Wars performance.

Never defend crap with "It's just a movie"


The same could be said for Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, and Ian McDairmid in their Star Wars appearances. Cushing and Lee did a lot of movies that made just about any Star Wars film look like Shakespeare as well as a lot of top flight horror films.


Agreed @tps1400,

I believe Mark Hamill had the most challenging and difficult role to perform ultimately and pulled-off sincerity and growth that made audiences believe his character Luke Skywalker in those worlds reacting to puppets ect .. doing complex stunt work also.


I thought he did a really good job on The Flash. He is under utilized by Hollywood.


Yes, that's all true. He just gave intensity at the exact right moments and it was always believable.

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.


I can't believe the love towards this guy's acting on here! His acting was absolutely horrendous in the Star Wars trilogy and I always thought it was well noted in the Star Wars community.


^ this and well said.

"The Lord Commander of Kingsguard Gabste of house Musgood"   🏄
