MovieChat Forums > Mark Hamill Discussion > Mark Hamil obviously has his head comple...

Mark Hamil obviously has his head completely up his ass



Wow thank you for that valuable input.




Please elaborate.


Yeeeeeah, that's what I thought.


Jedifred is most likely a moronic Trumpet.

This damned burg's getting me. If I don't get away soon I'll be going blood-simply like the natives.


The "tolerant" left strikes again.


The hive mind in Hollywood has no love for America or the working class that buy their brand of *beep* When those people finally wise up and stop spending their money on their movies, tv shows and products then we will see a change.

George Orwell was an optimist.


Indeed how very true. Am fed up and disgusted with all the Liberal hollyweirDoom pedoville actors granstanding as political pariahs like *beep* Meryl Streep, George Clooney plus blow job queen Madonna and Mark being an idiot mocking Trump's Twitter tweets as the Joker.

These over rated over paid elitist *beep* don't give a *beep* for their country and the working lower class at all just their own status quo. Little wonder they all supported Killary Rotten Clinton and her elitist corporatist globalist agendas.

Screw and betray the country while personally enriching the pockets of the rich at the degradation and ruin of the many from the few.

Liberal hyocrites and traitors. HollyweirDoom greed and selfishness to the very end. No wonder they are all soo unsettled and apprehensive.

Nothing is as it seems, nothing is just one thing and nothing is ever just over there;


Well, look at the main original cast... all pretty messed up. A series of divorces, affairs, drug uses, and pushing up daisies. Its almost like their ideology is like the dark side....seductive and self gratifying...but ultimately destroying their lives.

"The lives of the unborn are worth at least as much as those who dismiss them""


I've never been more proud of him myself.
