MovieChat Forums > Gene Hackman Discussion > What Is he "Best Known For"?

What Is he "Best Known For"?

Would it be Lex Luthor in the original SUPERMAN Franchise. Or could it be a lot of roles including that one? I have NOT seen many of his films so to me he is forever Lex luthor


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That's hard, he was such a constant presence for so long that I think people just knew him, not so much for any role in particular. I'd probably say The French Connection, but I guess it is true that Superman was actually the first thing I saw him in.

Everything was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt!


Through the 70's and 80's, it was clearly THE FRENCH CONNECTION. But I know several younger folks who know him best from THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS. Three other films he's a high visible presence in are THE POSEIDEN ADVENTURE, MISSISSIPPI BURNING and UNFORGIVEN. What am I leaving out? Oh, yeah, THE CONVERSATION and as the OP stated, the SUPERMAN franchise.


Welcome to Mooseport. :)

There. It's on the Internet. Thus it's official


Probably not what he's "best" remembered for, but when he was dressed in drag towards the end of "The Birdcage", it etched a (hysterically funny) memory in my collection of favorite Hackman movie moments. He is arguably my favorite actor of all time, and I've seen a movie or five thousand in my time lol...

Right. Well, I have to-- I have to go now, Duane, because I, I'm due back on the planet Earth.


I'm another that thinks The French Connection.


i think the royal tenenbaums or get shorty


Because it was the first time I saw him - he will always be Clyde's brother Buck from "Bonnie and Clyde."

Don't sell that cow!
