Terrible Person?

I was reading an article on The Royal Tenenbaums and talked about how the cast bonded over there hatred of Hackman. How he was an absolute ass to everyone on set and when everyone got together all they did was talk about how bad of a person he is. The article went into detail about how he would curse at the director and actors and how sometimes he refused to show up for shoots or would be hours late. I never realized he was this way,I always figured he would be such a nice guy in person. Which i funny because the only actor i have ever met in RL is Will Atherton, who always plays the character of a douchebag, and he was extremely nice in person. Anyone else heard these same stories?


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I've never heard anything about him being an ass in real life. An exacting actor, yes. A guy with a hot temper, yes again (by his own admission). And a guy who didn't like the Hollywood life or grind, another yes. But no, I've never heard that he was mean or nasty. And if this article is actually as you describe, I would take it with a grain of salt. What is your source?

I have met a number of celebrities in real life. Not one ass hole among them, including one or two who were "rumored" to be nasty.

Saying "I apologize" is the same as saying "I'm sorry." Except at a funeral.


I was reading an article on The Royal Tenenbaums and talked about how the cast bonded over there hatred of Hackman

Post the link to the article. Like write_on says there has never been any stories other than the one you claim that Gene is a nasty hateful man.


I dont remember the exact story but after a 30 second search i found this article that mirrors what i read: http://blogs.indiewire.com/theplaylist/nyff_wes_anderson_cast_royal_tenenbaums_talk_challenging_gene_hackman

Afer reading the above artical and some of the others it seems he has a history of being a dick. I liked how Bill Murray came in on his days off to make sure Hackman didn't get out of hand.


I don't think they were being entirely serious about "hating" Hackman.


WHAT A LEGEND. He seems to be someone whom you have to earn his respect.

