MovieChat Forums > Gene Hackman Discussion > Who is the greatest actor ever?

Who is the greatest actor ever?

My vote is on Gene Hackman.

I have seen him in all sorts of movies, comedies, action flicks, thrillers etc etc. Some are great and others are stinkers... but Gene is consistently good, even with mediocre material he delivers every damn single time. I just saw his last; "Welcome to Mooseport", and think what you will about the movie, but he delivered masterfully and with great comedic timing. Actually, the Gene we see here has many more years to offer (still hoping for his return). He is good even when the movie is bad. And I cannot say that about any other versatile actor out there. They all had performances you wish they didn't. Not with Gene.

In which was he especially great? I think Scarecrow, Royal Tennenbaums, Superman, Unforgiving.... Actually, I can't zone in to one, and that makes him the cheese of em all.

Hope to see his return.
• I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman •


My vote goes to Pacino but Hackman is definitely one of the all time greats. Miss seeing him on screen btw. It can't be that this legend`s last film is Mooseport! Seriously, it's just not right!


Gene is the greatest actor ever, at least in my estimation. It's not that he hasn't made any stinkers - you'd be hard pressed to find an actor who hasn't - but when has he ever not been on point, regardless of what he was working with? Tenenbaums stands out for me because as recognizable as he was, I still managed to forget I was watching a performance, or looking at Gene Hackman. He was Royal *beep* Tenenbaum. When was the last time Jack Nicholson made you forget that you were watching a Jack Nicholson Performance? Gene is brilliant. I wish he would come back. He doesn't have an equal IMO.

Saying "I apologize" is the same as saying "I'm sorry." Except at a funeral.


Brando is #1, but Hackman would be in Top 10


My roomie is watching Behind Enemy Lines. The only reason I haven't left the room is Gene Hackman is good as always.


James cagney


I think I agree with the OP. Someone on another post called him, "the poor man's Spencer Tracy", and I took umbrage. I have seen a lot of his movies, and will see them all eventually. But I feel certain in saying that he made any movie he was in better than it would have been without him.

I guess it's like looking at clouds. You see one thing and I see another. Peace.


Just caught him in the last 15 minutes of "I Never Sang For My Father"...WOW. He's 84 years old...can't believe it. I'd love to see/hear from him before he passes. He is/was an incredible actor.


Just caught him in the last 15 minutes of "I Never Sang For My Father"...WOW. He's 84 years old...can't believe it. I'd love to see/hear from him before he passes. He is/was an incredible actor.
