Jami's ACCENT ?

If you watch Still Standing, you know that Judy has a definite Chicago accent..I LOVE IT (because im from Texas and im not used to that accent at all) but if you watch this clip below (which is a Jami as "Jami" interview)..she doesnt talk like JUDY MILLER at all. Well maybe a little...but definetly not the same. So her still standing accent is fake?! :(

Any Input?



Well some of the accent is natural and some is acting. B/c if you watch her other movies she sounds the same except when she was on facts of life but that was a long time ago and people's voices mature over time. Either way I still like her.



OH yeah im not saying i dont like her! I love her...shes one of my favorite actresses. I just wasnt sure if she had changed her voice just for Judy or if that was really her accent. Anyway..thanks for replying :D

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Maybe that is her real accent, and then for interviews or whatever, she drops it.


i happen to love her still standing accent


I think it may be a little embellished, but she more or less sounded like that in high school. She went to high school in a suburb of Chicago...


Her accent sounds forced on Still Standing. The way she talks, when she is talking with Bill, with that exclaimation empiamish (sp?) on whatever subject she is talking about, usally with excitement. She anyway didn't sound like that in Twister.


I think she does force the accent. Jami is from Chicago, originally, so I think she tried to do a Superfans thing (from Saturday Night Live) and overplay it. Plus with the fact that she is working with an actor (Bill) who is British and using a fake accent to cover it up, I think she is trying to help him along, to sell it.


The actor (is it mark allen or something like that?) that plays Bill does sound like he is forcing a accent to or trying hard to sound english or whatever.
