Whatcha think?

Everyone Tim Curry Fan I know LOVES Rocky Horror Picture Show and think it is his greatest work. I don't agree. Its a great show, yes, and I even know the audience participation lines. However, I don't understand how people can say that is his BEST work when he has done things like DARKNESS. So sexy in that. Also, he voiced Hexxus which lead to one of my all time favorite songs Toxic Love. It takes a special type of man to sing about such nasty things and still make it sound sooo sexy. My personal favorite is Cardinal Richelieu in the Three Musketeers. So I ask all you Tim Curry Fans (and the man himself if he ever checks these things), what is your favorite Tim Curry role? And if everyone says Frankenfurter I will hunt some B**ches down and slap em! Seriously tho, if that's truly your fave, put your second favorite as well. As always, All Hail Tim Curry!


Uh-oh! I guess I'm in for a whipping lol!...Anywho, there's a bunch of good roles. I really like Wadsworth from Clue. He was hilarious in that movie! Of course, Pennywise was another great role. That character terrified me as a kid. I agree about Hexxus. Very sexy! Some more hilarious roles are Reverend Ray Porter from Pass the Ammo (loved the Southern Accent) and the concierge from Home Alone 2. More recently, an excellent role, almost as equally terrifying as Pennywise, was the Prince of Darkness in the 2-parter episode of Criminal Minds. So much to choose! :)

I love Jesus Christ and am 100% proud!


Johnny LaGuardia in Times Square
Wadsworth in Clue
Rev Ray Porter in Pass The Ammo

And his three rock records, and the videos he made for them.

Another thing he did that is utterly brilliant is reading the audiobook for Cry to Heaven by Anne Rice. His best friend Annie Potts calls him the most well-read person she has ever know in her life. You can feel the man's pure genius when you listen to him play all of the characters in that book.
there will be snark
