MovieChat Forums > Tim Curry Discussion > Rocky Horror Picture Show on acid..

Rocky Horror Picture Show on acid..

Saw it first time, and

we watched it 3 times in a row, 5 hours altogether.

I must say..

It was on of the greatest cinematic experience i have ever had
Right up there with The Terminator, without a doubt.

a strange movie..

Tim Curry, you're just the Devil, aren't you?

He deserves every possible award for his performance, i kid you not!

In Philadelphia it's worth fifty bucks.


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When I was in my late teens, for a while there, we went to see it at the midnight movies at least every other weekend. We had a really good cast for a while at Akers Mill theater, on the outskirts of Atlanta. It was the most fun you could have at the show back then. We all dressed crazy, and after the movie, a gang of us would go hang out somewhere --- Steak & Shake, the Burger King parking lot, someone's house --- often till daylight. Good times.
there will be snark


Rocky Horror was so trippy I didn't need drugs.
