MovieChat Forums > Tim Curry Discussion > Top 10 roles that Tim should have gotten...

Top 10 roles that Tim should have gotten. Here is my list.

1.The Joker in Batman 1989
2.Beetle juice as Beetle juice 1988
3.Pink in Pink Floyd's The Wall movie 1980's
4.William Burroughs in Naked Lunch 1991
5.The Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood Prince of thieves 1991
6.Judge Doom in Roger Rabbit 1980's
7.louis Creed in Pet Semetary in 1989
8.Kinsey in Kinsey 2004
9.Dr.Hannibal Lector in Silence of the lambs and Hannibal
10.Dracula in Bram Stokers Dracula 1992


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some of thse would have worked interesting list but dr lector? hopkins was perfect creed? i liked first choice for that bruce cambell.. i heard he turned down a potter role he was offred i wonder which one. and turned down a burton movie i think alice in wonderland. i wish he was in more movies.he should play a villian in a superhero movie.

Yoda Rules!


You heard Tim turned down Harry Potter and Alice In Wonderland? Where did you hear that? :)


my friend told me he turned down potter may be true they pretty much offred a role to every british actor give or take. alice in wonderland was a guess i heard he told turned down a recent tim burton film so maybe alice if not then which was it? sweeney todd? good question

Yoda Rules!


Cool - Thank you :)

I've never heard either of those rumours (Potter or Burton) anywhere. And I've read an awful lot about Mr Curry over the years...

I can't see why he'd turn down either (unless it was due to scheduling conflicts) - because he's appeared in a LOT worse, ya know? lol.

Thanks again!


i love curry his only movies he was in i hated were mchales navy and scarey movie 2 though he was lone bright spot i even liked congo. what is your fav role of currys?

Yoda Rules!


That will be interesting to see him portray Beetlejuice or the Joker if he accepted those roles. Not sure what would he be like as Dracula or Dr. Hannibal though, but it is cool to think about.

Is there a phobia of being afraid to communicate with others because you fear they may be stupid?


Definitely The Joker in Batman (1989) -- he has that sinister deranged smile
Mozart in Amadeus (1984) -- Tom Hulce kinda annoys me but I still love that movie
Sidney Bruhl in Deathtrap (1982)
