MovieChat Forums > Tim Curry Discussion > Any update on his health?

Any update on his health?

I know he had a stroke a while back, but I haven't heard anything since then about how he's doing. Has anyone heard anything?


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He has been doing a few private autograph signings at his house for autograph retailers. That's about all I know.


Does anyone know for sure if he's worked in a voice over capacity since his stroke? There are recent titles on his filmography, but voice-overs can be recorded months or even years in advance of a release.

It would be a real shame if that wonderful voice could not be contributed anymore. Time catches up to us all.


Tim has recorded 'Over The Garden Wall', 'Axel - The Biggest Little Hero' and 'Ava & Lala' post-stroke :) So yes - he is working again!! :)


I just watched 'Over the Garden Wall' and came here to see if his voice had been affected by his stroke. The voice he used in the show was very throaty, listless and mildly slurred - I'm sure part of it was simply acting for the sake of the character, but it sounded so different from any voice work he's done in the last decade that I didn't even know it was him until I saw the credits.

Has anybody seen 'Axel' or 'Ava & Lala' (neither of which I've even heard of)? Is his voice markedly different in those, as well?


The voice you hear him use as Auntie Whispers is pretty much his natural speaking voice as of now - with a tiny bit of characterisation thrown in - but not much. The stroke affected the left side of his body and thus the left side of his mouth - the lack of muscle control here is what causes the slurring. It's also sometimes a struggle for his words to catch up with his thoughts - hence why the voice sounds 'listless'. Strokes also affect the throat hence the gravely tone.

In Axel his voice is pretty much the same but a lot weaker - a lot quieter. He's clearly working with some amazing speech therapists because the improvement does show between these two projects. He does not appear in 'Ava & Lala' - that seems to have been some confused press release attaching his name to it when in reality he's not in it.

All things considered it's still blowing my mind he's working again and I think it's absolutely remarkable that he has managed to regain enough control over his speech to get this far - he's utterly amazing. I don't know if he'll go on to record more stuff as he continues to improve or if indeed his voice has hit the highest level of recovery by this point - but it'll be interesting to see.

Hope that helps!


Personally, I think that acting will help his recovery. Doing more voice over work will help his recovery, I feel.

Hope to see more of his work.


He was on a news-tainment show a few weeks ago for the 40th anniversary of Rocky Horror.

He sang along with the group ("In the key of 'M'", as he said. :) )

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