Respectable guy

Just saw the statement he put out about being ashamed by his son getting busted for pot. He sounds like a genuine, stand up guy to me. Lots of these Hollywood parents should take a page out if his book instead of having their kids run around like morons.


His son being busted for pot is the equivalent of Kim jong un being busted for going to Disneyland. I don't know why the chinese are being such a tight-a** about it.


Jackie's known for saying the wrong things at the wrong time. So the irony just falls flat on his face. Plus, when your son is harboring other potheads with a place that you bought with your own money while being an anti-drug ambassador all at the same time, it's kinda hard to save face.


o! I'm sad he had to go through this on a national scale. If it makes Chan feel any better most Americans go through this with their kids at age 14. Then when they're older they laugh about it. The saddest part is to think the mind of a Chinese national is dumbed down and controlled to such an extent. These people are going to inherit the world in a decade and they're acting like a bunch of Leave it to Beaver Reaganites.


You gotta check out the Chinese tabloids and online forums discussing this matter, it's insane. There's a rumour that this is Jackie's punishment for hitting on the mistress of the ex-Chinese president. And one magazine reported that the first thing Jackie did when he saw his son, was kick him so hard that he flew 5 metres up
