MovieChat Forums > Ellen Barkin Discussion > Why the 'sexy' smiley-smirk in ever phot...

Why the 'sexy' smiley-smirk in ever photo?

I mean when. she was younger. I never saw a photo of her without the sexy come-on type smirk.


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That's because you are so judgmental and full of bigotry toward anyone with a slight physical defect that you jump to conclusions about someone's character or personality by the way they way they look. If you took the time to actually look past superficial appearances, you might realize that Barkin has a slight dysfunction of a cranial nerve that results in an asymmetrical smile. But, of course, being the arrogant bigot that you are, you'll deny that she has the defect, or that your the attitude you just expressed is bigoted, or both.

For anyone who wants more insight into SimplemindedSociety's hypocritical and bigoted attitude, look at these threads:

Also look at his other usernames: greasefevers, johntravoltaisgay,. and hollywoodpd


'I don't know if that counts as being bigoted'
He/she goes around to every board I am on and calls me that, without even knowing the defintion of a "bigot", only making a fool of himself. If it wasn't the Ellen Barkin board, it would another board to find an excuse; it doesnt mean anything.
However, didn't you also notice her same smiling-gesture in every photo? Why would I assume it's a dysfuntional nerve? That's why questions are asked.


Just as I predicted, you deny the truth.

To all interested in the truth about SimplemindedSociety, read the threads I linked above. He never hesitates to use the word "bigot" when it suits his purposes, but he always claims that others don't know what "bigot" means when the tables are turned and he is called on his bigoted statements. SimplemindedSociety is the epitome of hypocrisy.
