MovieChat Forums > Alec Baldwin Discussion > He might get assasinated

He might get assasinated

the way he is with his temper and Trump brigade have had more than enough. They carry guns...most of them anyway.


Then the Trump brigade are no better than terrorist if they're considering assassinating Baldwin over some damn impersonation of their great leader.


I am fine with the SNL caricature but yesterday he went on stage and spewed anti venom against his president. like it or not he is the President now. In a tougher nation Baldwin would be tried and sentenced.


Well, suggesting he should get assassinated is no better.


SNL talked about Obama and they other presidents, why should Trumo be treated any differently???


Obama got off ridiculously easy compared to past leaders, and it was definitely because of his skin color. Any joke against him would be bogged down with accusations of racism. All the while, he dropped over 100000 bombs, elected Saudi Arabia to the UN Human Rights commission and effectively created ISIS, by arming the rebels against Assad. There are plenty of other reasons why he should've been mocked.


He should be glad he doesn't live in a country where you cannot insult the ruling leader. Otherwise he would've been long executed, along with his Hollywood Leftist Anti-American co-horts, for sedition.


So what is that supposed to mean? Are you saying they shouldn't make fun of Trump, because if he were a brutal dictator like Kim Jong Un he would execute them?


He should get shot, though anonymously. It'll be fun to see one of these limousine liberals have their wits scared about them.
