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Adam Baldwin Quits Twitter, Calls for CEO Jack Dorsey's Firing

Hope this make the Hollywood news, the SJW problem in Silicon Valley has to be exposed.

Adam Baldwin Quits Twitter, Calls for CEO Jack Dorsey’s Firing
The actor and star of TNT’s The Last Ship deleted his entire seven-year history of tweets over the weekend, replacing them with a single message calling on Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to be fired and the company’s new, widely-criticised “Trust and Safety Council” disbanded.

Baldwin, whose Twitter profile currently sports the icon of the recently-suspended conservative blogger Robert Stacy McCain, told the Independent Journal Review that his decision to leave the social media platform was due to its growing censorship and lack of transparency.

Baldwin laid the blame for his departure squarely at the feet of Twitter’s new “Trust and Safety” council, which he described as “Orwellian.” He accused the council, the left-wing bias of which has been extensively documented here at Breitbart Tech as well as at Reason, of promoting a “groupthink” that’s “killing the wild west of ideas that Twitter was.”


Adam did return yesterday to tweet about Reuters UK's biased article that hit the MSM.

Here's another article:


Strange that he complains about censorship when he recently blocked me from responding to his tweets or even seeing them on twitter. I am a liberal and I had often take him to task but never in a disrespectful way. No warning it was coming. Maybe it was the xoxo I end all my tweets with that did it. LOL

April 11, 2016 Facebook popup window has announced that Adam Baldwin has now deleted his Facebook page. No reason given in that window or the old page window.

I have been a longtime fan and supporter of Adam's and wish I understood just a little of what is going on with him. Love and affections xoxo
