Human Stain

Fuck him and his wife, Two very awful excuses for human beings. He tweeted that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax and then his wife harassed the mother of one of the victims.

He's also an alleged creep.




Is there a reason you say that?


Don’t want to speak for the op, but possibly because of his conservative leanings?....I’m not sure, just a thought...I think his wife also participated in social media battles in the past with foes, such as Nicole Eggert, iirc....op does seem a little harsh, but it’s the interwebs, you know how it is...good times!


I think that it's more than conservative leanings. I don't care if an actor is a conservative, or even if they support Donald Trump. It's how they act. He tweeted that Sandy Hook was a hoax and his wife told a victim's mom that her daughter was in a better place. Seriously??? That's just gross. And also Nicole Eggert.


I forgot about the sandy hook hoax thing, Miss S....those people that peddle that stuff, like Alex Jones, that really sucks, for lack of a more eloquent description....


That's the reason why, They both make me sick.


I never read the gossip columns or celebrity news, so I never know about any of that stuff. The Sandy Hook thing is just absurd. I don’t understand how people can deny objective truth about things that happened. It is one thing to dispute who would be a better president in the future, but to bury your head in the sand and deny known events is just insane.


Never cared for Baio.... but I do care about facts and lies and he never tweeted that Sandy Hook was a hoax. He posted a meme with the words "thoughts"... the meme was from the conspiracy theorists that believed Sandy Hook was orchestrated by the government or more accurately by the liberals seeking more gun control. That is hardly the same as saying it was a hoax. So if you want to hate him for his bad acting go ahead, hate him for his crap ass movies that wasted film that could have been better used filming paint drying... But don't throw out the liberal lies as if they are gospel. The only thing anyone can be certain of is that when some idiot like yourself starts spouting off lies it will only cause more idiots to believe them.

You want to start spreading bullshit that can help mankind? then just start telling everyone that Hillary Clinton eats babies, it will help to insure that turd never takes another government position which would help the world.


I'm not American and I could really care less about your toxic politics. I guess I should have said that he tweeted a meme that implied Sandy Hook was a hoax.


Well you still don't seem to understand the difference between a hoax and something that was orchestrated... Hoax would be if the shooting never happened and it was all faked, he never implied that... orchestrated would be if someone made it happen, people would still be dead, but the shooter would have been someone that was manipulated into doing it... That is what he implied with the meme because at the time there were several survivors that started squawking to the media about the event that had a strikingly similar appearance as the talking heads that popped up at an earlier shooting, implying that someone responsible for the shooting was also using the same actors to squawk to the media about gun control. Frankly I think both things are ridiculous but neither one really deserves hate for someone being stupid enough to believe it, god knows there are stupid people all over the place believing all sorts of dumbass shit.. it isn't really worth anyone's time to hate idiot the believe the earth is flat or nefarious secret organizations are behind school shootings.


I do understand the difference between hoax and orchestration thank you though.

I don't hate him for posting it actually. I hate the response to those who opposed him. Same with Nicole Eggert. That might not be true. I don't know because I wasn't there, but his response, and his wife's response is more what makes them unlikable.


If Eggert had pressed charges when it allegedly happened I would probably be inclined to give her story some credit, but when she just popped up during the Me Too movement almost 35 years after it supposedly happened I don't give it any credit. I find it completely ridiculous for someone to popup and claim they were someone wronged or anything else decades earlier. It makes it impossible for anyone accused in that manner to ever get a fair trial. I mean suppose someone popped up and said you robbed them 15 years ago on X night... how do you defend yourself from those types of allegations? Even the night it happened you were at a concert making it impossible for you to do it, how in the hell could you prove that? Most people don't keep receipts and such for decades so at best you might have your memory of where you were if it was a special night but if it was an average day and night for most people then you would have way of saying for certain where you were at and even less chance of finding any witnesses to support your alibi. Frankly unless a person was somehow psychically kept from filling a police report when a crime happens they shouldn't be allowed to ever file one after a reasonable time maybe 24 hours.


I understand where you are coming from, but you also have to understand that less than 1% of rapes are ever prosecuted. Go back 35 years and you will find that the boys will be boys attitude was a lot more accepted. Cops weren't all that keen to even look into rape accusations. Baio probably didn't think for a second that he did anything wrong, and yet for her, that has stuck with her her whole life. It's unfortunate that it took a whole cultural shift for so many of these victims to come forward. I'm sure there are a few victims who have come forward with a false accusations, but I would wager that it's no where near as high as some would say.

I would suggest volunteering at a rape crisis centre before you insist that charges need to be filed within 24 hours.


24 hours may seem like a short time period, but if you want evidence it is what needs to happen. If she had simply gone to a hospital and had a rape kit done after the event there would have almost certainly been DNA evidence which given her age at the time would have made it a slam dunk for the prosecutors as the age of consent in California was 18. So it would not have even been a question of whether she consented or not. But once you wait too long there is no evidence and it always comes down to a he said she said situation and when you have a system that says you need to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, you pretty much get to a situation where you can't get a conviction.

Do rapists get away with it today? Sure, but it is still better that some rapists get away with it than to have a system where you just accept the victims word as gospel and end up with innocent people going to prison because some woman regretted what she had done or got pissed off because some guy didn't call her back so she wanted revenge.


I'm not going to comment any more on this as it's a really sensitive issue for me, but I would like you to consider that almost 99% of rapists get away without a felony conviction. 99%. At least 75% of the victims know their attackers. Cops don't like to bother with those. Why would we even bother coming forward?


A rape conviction is a felony, if someone is convicted of rape it is a felony. If they aren't convicted you can't claim they are a rapist. As for knowing your attacker, most murder victims also know the person that kills them so what? The reality is rape and murder is a personal crime normally not a random act so of course the perpetrator knows the victim in most instances. What does that have to do with anything? I don't blame a murder victim for getting killed anymore than I would blame a rape victim for being raped. But the other reality is there is generally more and better evidence in a murder than in a rape, and in large part that is because in rape the victims don't normally just call 911 and do nothing until a rape kit is done on them, they will often times clean up and god forbid often shower which doesn't do much for evidence. The real problem is women generally aren't told of the importance of evidence until after they've been raped, taken a shower and then find out that they did the worst thing they could ever do to preserve the evidence of the rape. Frankly women should be taught in schools what to do if they are raped to help preserve evidence, but like sex education its something people don't want to have teens find out about.


My point flew over your head. Like I said, go do some volunteering at a rape crisis centre, or a sexual assault centre.


You missed my point. I am a lawyer to me someone is not a rapist unless they are convicted. People can claim lots of things but if they claim someone raped them and the person they accused of raping them is found not guilty then they are not a rapist. If that happened then they were not raped. Are there women raped where no one is convicted, yes because in some instances the perpetrator isn't ever found. But in any instance where the person they claim raped this is found then I only see a rape when they have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the person the accused actually raped them. People lie, people lie about minor things and very serious things. Go pull up the cases where a woman claimed X raped them, where they swore in court it was X and he was convicted... and yet years later X is released because DNA evidence that wasn't tested during the trial ends up proving tha they didn't do it. Was it a lie or a mistake, I don't know but in those instances an innocent man was in prison when they shouldn't have been because 12 people believed a woman that was clearly wrong. Don't assume everyone that cries wolf is being honest because they aren't.


I didn't make any such assumptions. But are you aware that men are more likely to be raped, than to be falsely accused of rape?

And with that, I cannot continue this conversation.


Trite fake claim, with no way to support such a statement. Your ignorance was on complete display with that one.


You are correct. The textbook that I got those number of 2% from was from 2004. Numbers from a home office research study in 2016 put false accusations between 2 -6% in the USA. The percentage of males that are victims of rape is around 3%. It's still pretty close but I was wrong with my initial assertion.


Hear hear, thomas998.


Cheers to you.
I don’t care much abut celebrity political views. Most of them are grossly uninformed and desperate to say anything that will please the press.


Love ya Chachi, ignore the haters!


Joanie loved him too...and I actually like Zapped! (1982), zany 80s fun....


Zapped is FANTASTIC.




Actually Joanie hated him.


But Joanie Loves Chachi (1982), though I see what you’re sayin’…apparently Erin Moran was not too fond of her onscreen paramour away from the job…

Still, I stand by my Zapped! assessment 2 years later and jekporkins said it well…..



daylight come and i want to go home


baio, baaaaio


He is a better person than you though...


But... he gave us Charles in Charge and that was... really good. Ahem.

Human stain seems a bit extreme but each to their own.


Chachi loves you.
