MovieChat Forums > Sean Astin Discussion > Refers to September 11th as 'incident' a...

Refers to September 11th as 'incident' and 'event...' DISGUSTING!

I get that he is not in support of the Iraq war, and he may even not like or care about America, but to refer to the terrorist attacks that killed thousands of people as an "incident" and "event" is just plain disgusting and only makes me hate him even more. I usually do not care too much about what people say, but this really hurt me and made me question if and think about what he just did. He said this on The Two Towers DVD cast commentary (disc 2) if you want to see proof. This "man" needs to apologize and truely understand what happened that day and look at his life and career and see if he is going to leave this earth ever actually doing or helping anything.

To me, he is a horrible man, actor and human.

You can disagree with me all you people want, but there is no way to deny that he was wrong in how he referred to the attacks, no matter if you like him or not, he was just wrong.

You people also can not tell me not to offended or that I am wrong as these are OPINIONS, opinions that we all have rights to and therefor, in my opinion, he is wrong, horrible and a faulty person.

They didn't release you 'cause you're better, Daisy, they just gave up.


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i think youre reading way too much into it. i dont think he meant it as an offensive remark.

and if you look at the meaning of incident, then you would know that he wasnt trying to be offensive...

Main Entry: 1in·ci·dent
Pronunciation: 'in(t)-s&-d&nt, -"dent
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin incident-, incidens, from Latin, present participle of incidere to fall into, from in- + cadere to fall -- more at CHANCE
1 : something dependent on or subordinate to something else of greater or principal importance
2 a : an occurrence of an action or situation that is a separate unit of experience : HAPPENING b : an accompanying minor occurrence or condition : CONCOMITANT
3 : an action likely to lead to grave consequences especially in diplomatic matters
synonym see OCCURRENCE

looking at the definition, sept 11th was all of these. so leave him alone.


In your mind, 9/11 wasn't an "event"? "The events of 9/11" isn't something you've heard come out of newscasters' mouths countless times? I think he was probably just trying to be delicate so that he could make his point, as opposed to getting caught up in talking about what happened on 9/11. The commentary was about the movie, not about what happened that day. He needed to refer to 9/11 without diverting the whole conversation, I can appreciate that.

Life IS pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


thank you! that is what i was trying to point out with my webster dictionary explanation of the meaning event.
