
Renee was my favorite character in Cold Mountain, and loved her as the voice in The Bee Movie, so I thought I'd cruise by to see what projects she's been up to lately.
My first thought was who the heck is that? She was adorably cute and now looks nothing like her former self. I really don't know what drives people to do these things to themselves.
People are usually their own worse critics so anyone who adds to that is just beyond mean and horrible.
Of course this may very well have been something she's always wanted to do and more power to her, but really I'll miss the cute old Renee. I am sure she's still a fine actress as ever she was.

“The critic has to educate the public; the artist has to educate the critic.”


She's busy taking care of horsies. She never had any "work" done she's not that shallow a person. She wanted to focus on her personal life as she's made enough money to retire, so she was away from photographers for a long time then she did a red carpet fashion event for a friend and everybody said she looked different. It was just normal aging plus she always gets a facial done before a public event and this made her face a little tight and reddish looking. But really she's been wanting to focus on her private life for a while now. You should be more concerned about workaholics like Ms. Streep if you want my opinion.


Great reply renee


Well I usually don't follow celebs that much to notice and Cold Mountain was a while ago now. I didn't mean anything negative, just that she looks a lot different from her old self, but then who doesn't? I don't even recognize myself in old pics. (Much more handsome now lol)

“The critic has to educate the public; the artist has to educate the critic.”


She did too have work done. Open your eyes! It's so obvious.


No way. Totally runs contrary to her character.


I agree. Seriously, the skin of her face looks like it is stretched tighter than spandex on a fat person. lol

Come on you apes, you wanna live forever!?


I agree. She definitely had something done to stretch her features. Her keys are totally different. Sorry, aging doesn't make you look that different in less than a decade. She looks like a totally different person.


Ha. :)
