I feel sorry for her

That she disliked herself so much that would do this to herself. Although I liked her old face many people made fun of it and called her ugly. I think it had more personality and was unique. You knew when you saw that face exactly who it was. I'm just hoping that this washer intent to look like this and not a botched job that she can do nothing about. I really do hope she is happy as she says she is.


I like Renee and I hope she is happy. I know I wouldn't be but if she is happy then that's all that matters. The rub of course that if she isn't, she can't fix it now.... too late. ugh....


Fix what?

She looks beautiful, albeit incredibly different (like it isn't her). She digs her new look. I admit, she actually does look better now (her beautiful blue eyes are showing more). Who are we to defy her?


I can't believe she was ever called ugly. That amazes me. She was BEAUTIFUL. I just looked at the pics on her Imdb page. There was NOTHING wrong with her face before. Nothing! What in hell is going on in Hollywood??


Anyone who called Renee ugly was just drinking the haterade because I don't understand how anyone could come to that conclusion.


People have extremely twisted views of themselves. A lot of actors can't even watch movies/shows they're in because it's too weird to see themselves.


I hate that Renee felt pressured to change her face so much now that she's almost unrecognizable. To make matters worse, she's blowing her obvious cosmetic work around her eyes as "being healthier". She had a distinctive look; setting her apart from most, and it added to her appeal. Now she looks like just about every other Hollywood blonde. If that's what she wanted, that's her choice, but what a shame it is.


As far as I can tell, she only had an "eyelid trim" (there's an official name for it, but I can't remember what it is). The good thing is that in a few months it'll relax a little bit and she'll look a bit more like her old self--though still different. It really reveals how much of her look was her eyes. She may have also had a hard-core facial peel, and I actually think her skin looks great! Eventually, her eyes will be back closer to pre-surgery. Either way, she's still Renee, and I hope her happiness means she'll do some more films. I miss her!!!! And yes, I really and truly do hope she's found happiness and an inner peace. She's always seemed like such a sweet woman. Very relatable. I'm already tired of this new batch of over-exposed actresses. I'd really like to see her in some good films again. One of my favs--new face or old.


She looks generic now. Her face has no personality. Nothing that says, "This is Renee Zellweger." She looks like an average nobody.
