MovieChat Forums > Bruce Willis Discussion > The man appears to be a walking nightmar...

The man appears to be a walking nightmare for filmmakers.

This dude is burning bridges faster than a forest fire. He's a apparently a nightmare onset.

If you some how managed to get the jovial Kevin Smith to hate you, you've got problems.



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Another Willis-basher without any links to prove what he's saying.

If Willis were so awful, Woody wouldn't have let him go with the face-saving story that he had a scheduling conflict. When someone's a real pain -- like Mel Gibson -- they tell him to take a hike and they leak the word that no one on the set wanted to work with him. Allen gave him an "out." Doesn't sound like the blood was so bad.

As for the "jovial Kevin Smith," that sweetheart was going around everywhere bashing Bruce because his turkey movie wasn't a hit. If Smith saw Willis acting like a "nightmare onset," why would he want to work with the man in the first place?

Beyond that, Willis let Smith trash him to anyone stupid enough to listen, and he never responded in kind. Class act.

When evil is viewed as good, righteousness is viewed as evil.


I've never heard that Gibson is a pain to work with on set. His personal life off the set is very troubled, no doubt, but I haven't heard any such stories when he's actually making a film. The filmmakers of Expendables 3 even chose to have Gibson instead of bringing back Willis.


I've never heard that Gibson is a pain to work with on set.Read James Garner's best-selling biography, "The Garner Files" -- Gibson was drunk on the set of "Maverick," and Donner let him ad lib his way through the movie. Apparently, according to Donner, that's the way he liked to work. Garner had done enough TV that he could get things done in a take or two, but it's disconcerting to other actors when one guy thinks he's the star AND the writer, too. Not so bad when you can recognize a cue now and then, but otherwise you have to read Mr. Fantastic's mind.

Garner's career was over, so he could talk freely. Do read the book -- it's a fun read.

And if you have some contacts behind the scenes, you get to find out that while Garner tried to collaborate with Gibson again, it was more about keeping a career going for both of them than them being so fond of each other.

Don't be naive -- a LOT of Hollywood is like that. For instance, some of the biggest comedy duos loathed each other. And yet, they kept working with each other, and giving each other great PR. We only got to find out what it was really like when they were dead and the truth could be told. Hollywood sells illusions. The filmmakers of Expendables 3 even chose to have Gibson instead of bringing back Willis. Maybe Bruce realized what the rest of us know -- that the Expendables franchise is where action film stars go when their careers die. I know he was in one of them, but the next time Sly called, Willis asked for something like four million dollars for three days' work (I think knowing he'd be turned down; but that's what it would be worth to him to go through it again), and Sly not only turned him down, but went whining like a whipped puppy all over Twitter.

I have a friend who likes Sly, and apparently he's a nice man, personally, but if you're going to air your dirty laundry like that, it just seems really unprofessional. He could just never call on Willis again -- problem solved. But Sly wanted fans to hate him. That's pretty mean girl, if you ask me.

When evil is viewed as good, righteousness is viewed as evil.


You sound like you've been under a rock. You can't throw a dead cat 3 feet in any direction on the internet without reading or hearing a story about BruceWillis terrorizing a movie set. It's pretty clear from his interviews that Smith couldn't give any more or less of a sh/; about his films being big hits.



Did you not hear about what he did to Sly?

Did you not hear about what he did to Ralph Garman?

Did you not hear that he didnt know his lines and was driving actors crazy?

So yeah.


I don't know Ralph Garman, and the trivia sections are added to by fans. You can make something up yourself and add to it -- see if it sticks. I think they still have Greta Garbo and Barbara Stanwyck as straight here on IMDb. That's how accurate the bio and trivia stuff is on this site. Sadly, lazy writers come here for information.

But I did want to know all about Bruce being unprofessional and driving actors crazy, so I clicked on that one. Instead I got a lot of blah-blah, and this:Bruce Willis, it should be noted, has a bit of a reputation for being difficult, which Kevin Smith (who worked with Willis on Cop Out) talked about at length in a Marc Maron interview a few years back. Then there was Sly Stallone sub-tweeting Willis about being lazy and greedy in his demands over Expendables 3. And then there was the time Willis shut down some British doofus on the press tour for Red 2.The Kevin Smith whine -- Kevin Smith, who wanted to blame Willis for his movie not being a smash hit; Sly's Twitter whine about Willis wanting so much money to work on those loser Expendable movies; and Bruce being short with someone who was described even by the writer trying to shame Willis as just "some British doofus."

No one's ever shut down some doofus on a press tour before -- except just about everybody.

So no, I'm not impressed with the list. And the writer didn't even deliver on what he'd promised -- except for the "bit" part. A "bit difficult" isn't a big deal -- some people are irked, and they may have an axe to grind.

And if you're looking at the two men -- Woody Allen and Bruce Willis -- and you ask who's the walking scandal, most people are going to say the first one.

You're entitled to your opinion, but you're not doing a good job of making your case.

When evil is viewed as good, righteousness is viewed as evil.
