MovieChat Forums > John Travolta Discussion > He just touched her face, it's not like ...

He just touched her face, it's not like he pulled a Kanye.

Last year, he was a total boob for messing up Idina's name, but people need to just lay off. He just tried to act chummy and Idina didn't seem bothered by it, so who cares? He didn't grab her butt or boobs, or like the title of the post says pull a Kanye. Just get over it, he's not nearly as bad as everyone is saying. Sheesh


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He just touched her face

Repeatedly. Oddly. Then he grasped her chin and pulled it towards his direction.
It left Idina looking very awkward and uncomfortable.

He didn't just touch her face, he stroked and grasped it in a very creepy manner.

He seems not to understand boundaries and personal space when it comes to physical signs of affection.

Kanye was rude.
Travolta was creepy.


White knights are creepy


Did you have a bad experience during a chess match?

You can always play the side with the Black Knights. 


He pulled on Kanye?! Gross.


Can we act like rape is not a thing
