MovieChat Forums > Charlize Theron Discussion > The most beautiful African American woma...

The most beautiful African American woman alive

Suck on it, libs.


I know right? She is just gorgeous. She was gorgeous then, she is still gorgeous now. No matter what hairstyle she has. With or without makeup. It's just not fair. How can anyone be this beautiful? I don't get it. Lol



Where does fantasy end and reality begin?


no, she is not African American


Her being African American is debatable. She was born in South Africa and is currently an American and South African citizen, but her parents are European.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


She's more African American than almost every black person in the United States. And you're a coward.


No, you are just a fool. If Tom Cruise was born and raised in China, would he be an Asian American like Lucy Liu ? Like I said, you are a complete fool.


He would be more Asian American than Lucy Liu. Yes. Are you really this fcking stupid?


no, he would not be more asian than lucy liu, and you are still a complete fool.
