Met Her

I recently met Sharon Stone and I wish I could say it was a nice experience but it really wasn't. I just wanted to compliment her and she just gave me a chilly stare, shook her head and walked away. Now I understand celebs have their need for privacy but I met her after an event in a public area. Maybe it was a bad day or what not, we're all entitled to that. But would a smile or a kind word have been that difficult? Well, good luck to Miss Stone. I noticed that she signs for fans and poses for photos when there are cameras or film crews around. I guess this fan doesn't count for anything so it doesn't matter that I'm not a fan any longer.


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AW!!! Thats so horrible!!! One time while is NYC with my rents for a hair show at the Redken salon on madison ave I saw her. I knew it was her instantly. Since my mom was the person hosting the hair show I was able to ask and meet her. When I met her she was so nice and seemed very nonchalant about talking to a fan. I dont know her or anything but I dont know why she was so harsh to you, a simple fan offering a compliment? I dont blame you for your choice though

"Lets move to Paris shoot some heroin and f#


CoOP RoCks. I'm glad you had a better experience than I did.


I told her that I was a fan. I wanted to pay her a compliment and I also I had a gift for her & family (two beautifully illustrated books) as a souvenir from my country. She glanced down disdainfully, pursed her lips, furrowed her brow, shook her head and turned on her heel. She had just finished a brief press con. Her PR people glared, her bodyguard placed a hand on my shoulder and accepted he gift on her behalf and said not right now. She didn't even deign to speak to me, no word of thanks, no smile, nothing. I felt smaller than small. A friend who was with me at the time was totally shocked at her behavior towards me.

At that point, I regretted accepting an invitation to a ticketed talk that she was giving the next day, but felt obliged to go. During the talk she appeared charming, engaging and extremely amiable. A complete contrast to my one on one experience with her the previous day. On the other hand, I heard she was a delight to the hotel staff who served her. So who knows? With fans, I heard she blows hot and cold. I wish Ms Stone all the best for her career, and hope she's nicer to the next fan she meets. I just feel that I didn't deserve to be treated thus when I had good intentions. Would a few seconds or a minute of kindness have been too difficult for her? I suppose so.


Maybe she didn't approve of the books. Were they political, religious or about eating animals?

What we have here is failure to communicate!


You guys are pretty damn harsh. She was in a coma from a brain hemorrhage. She had two miscarriages and she can no longer have any babies. Shes' gone through some *beep*
