MovieChat Forums > Steven Spielberg Discussion > Hypocritical race baiter

Hypocritical race baiter

Steven Spielberg believes the next James Bond should be black and sees Idris Elba as the perfect candidate for the role.

Steven Spielberg directed 30 movies and produced even more films and Tv series yet not a single time did he direct or produce a film that has a black main lead and that hasn't have anything to do with slavery. In fact all his movies are extremely white washed, there are little to no blacks in his films, even as background characters.
Yet he wants Sony to do a black James Bond, but the Berg is no fool, he's not putting his money on it.
That's what I call an hypocritical race baiter. Just like his friend Kathleen Kennedy, the queen of feminism, she never produced feminist movies when she had her money on it. It's only on Star Wars, a franchise that simply can't fail, that she brutally realized Hollywood lacked female lead characters.


What are you blathering on about?

Er, The Color Purple wasn't about slavery you know? Quite a few black main leads in that one! And why are you arbitrarily discounting Amistad just because it's got something to do with slavery? I know, let's discount 12 Year's A Slave from Steve McQueen's filmography for the same reason - boy McQueen's sure got something against black people, he's not made any films about them at all! Why does he always insist on white leads?! Booo!

What a load of bull! I caught the beginning of Close Encounters the other day and, just as an incidental detail, the guy operating the radar machine that tracks the UFOs happens to be black. Black people appear all the time in Spielberg's films; the fact he doesn't draw attention to their blackness (when it's not thematically relevant) is a positive not a negative! Two of the best and most sympathetic Lost Boys in Hook just so happen to be black (Pockets and Thud Butt). Scatman Crothers plays a pretty major role in Spielberg's Twilight Zone: The Movie segment; black actors have significant roles in Always, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Minority Report, Jurassic Park (Samuel L. Jackson FFS!), The Lost World, War of the Worlds, The Terminal, Lincoln...

Again, what are you blathering on about?! Spielberg has two adopted African American children! If that's not putting his money where his mouth is, I don't know what is!

Accusing Steven Spielberg (of all people) of harbouring hypocritical, unconsciously bigoted views of black people is just about the most ludicrous thing I've ever seen! Jesus!


He might not be racist but he is certainly not going to risk his own money on a big budget movie with black leads. Only George Lucas did it and he paid it dearly, and George doesn't tell other people to do it. Spielberg should do it himself or shut up.


Only George Lucas did it and he paid it dearly



His Red Tails movie has an all black cast and has nothing to do with slavery, I haven't watched it but it bombed very hard. It triggered his decision to sell Lucasfilm.
