MovieChat Forums > Kevin Spacey Discussion > To all the pedos on here from yesterday

To all the pedos on here from yesterday


Did you read the article? Girls 15-19 are literally outside the definition of pedophilia.


and even they can't safely give birth in nature. You prove me right


Do you understand the definition of pedophile (clearly you don't)? It isn't an attraction to 15 year olds and up.


It's pathological either way and my link proves it. Doesn't matter what you call it; pedophilia is a type of pathology. It's neither normal or optimal.


Well, you used a word and were wrong in it's usage, so it kind of matters.


I'm also fairly sure you don't know what pathological means either, because pathology isn't remotely touched on in that article.


Semantics doesn't matter. Impregnating children and making them sick and infertile is pathological behavior. Pedophilia is a disorder; it is pathological thoughts and behavior. The article shows how pedophilia doesn't work and isn't justified. Obese girls often get their periods prematurely. Just one century ago girls got their periods at 16/17 and not at age 11/12. This Norwegian article explains why it's not good. But even with early puberty, many girls can't bear children safely. People in the original thread were justifying pedophilia and statutory rape.


Another idiot liberal here changing or making up words I see


Liberals love pedophiles.


I was talking about you ya nincompoop


You're the liberal then or worse, right-wing libertarian. They gladly welcome emotional and affected pedophiles like you.


I think all pedos should be castrated but YOU dont know what a pedo is after 3 people in here explained it you


Why should a 15 year old get pregnant when they can't handle it? Just because some sick twisted men get off on it? No, thanks. Sex is meant for reproduction. A child has not business being sexually active with older pedos.


You don't think 15 year olds fuck other 15 year olds? You're still a Virgin aren't you. Probably cause no one wants your skank feminazi ass


wash your mouth and your keyboard, you cumbrained coomer and groomer


Wash your skanky snatch maybe you'll get a man and stop smearing peanut butter on your crotch so the dog will lick your ugly cooter


I hate dogs; devil's creatures, and you're still emotional I see


Hates dogs, can't read, thinks Calista Flockheart anorexia is body goals

You're one super fucked up piece of gutter trash


You're one emotional, irrational, mislead male; hardly human


More projections. Still wrong


Thin will always be in. Thick is sick


I fucked several 15 year olds when I was 15, so I can confirm your statement as fact.


Reality is nature dictates when a female is capable of reproducing. When they start menstruating they are capable of reproducing. Whether they can handle it emotionally is debatable and considering females centuries ago were squirting out rugrats when 12 or 13, one has to accept that given the human race didn't go extinct that females were clearly capable of handling it in the past. Remember ancient Rome it was common for a girl of 12 to be married off and start squirting out romans. No you can argue we have dumbed down humans over the centuries so that they might not be mentally capable of providing for the rugrats they squirt out but we haven't changed the basic genetics of humans to the point that they are incapable of squirting out rugrats at a very young age. Considering most biblical scholar estimate Mary's age when she squirted out Jesus was between 12 and 16, we can safely assume she was knocked up between about 11 and 15... Now do you think God as a pedophile for knocking up Mary? Think carefully dimwit.


considering females centuries ago were squirting out rugrats when 12 or 13

Wrong, just 150 years ago, girls didn't get periods until 16-17 years of age. Look at the Norwegian article I linked to.

It's a legitimate source.

Marriage at ten years doesn't equal pregnancy at ten years of age. Girls can get pregnant some time after period, but the rest of the body can't support the growing fetus or handle the birth of a child. Children shouldn't have children. The distinction between child and adult exists for a reason. As the OP link shows, teenage pregnancy is lethal in the natural world. Only with modern medicine has it become manageable. However it's still a problem. I don't respond to insults.


You just don't get it do you. To begin average age is not a limit it is an average of which 50 percent of the girls will be younger and 50 percent will be older. In Victorian era the average age was 14. So you would have half the girls under the age of 14. The world doesn't revolve around a bunch of starving scandinavians and the reality is percent of body fat of a girl dictates when they start getting periods which is why today young black girls tend to get periods at a younger age than white girls, because they have a high carb diet and tend to be fatter.


Obesity has made girls enter puberty earlier. It's food and hormones. Then again, african American women are more obese than other Americans.

High fat diet; the SAD is high fat, not high carb.

If men should have sex as soon as they are fertile, then they will be sexually useful before girls, at age 10 or lower as soon as they produce sperm. Can I go to the nearest school and rape a young boy and call it a day cause he can provide sperm to impregnate me? That's honestly a better deal in nature because I can bear and birth a child; a 15 year old girl can't without serious medical assistance: I can live in the wild for a year and survive with an infant. Girls didn't get their periods until age 15-16 150 years ago. That's not only Scandinavia, but rest of Europe and the world. Nordic people are taller and more developed than most other races anyway so the age would be higher in other countries. !4 year old were not having children left and right 100 or more years ago. Perhaps a few royals, but that is it. Teen pregnancy was death and still is to a great deal. Lo siento.


High fat isn't why black girls are fatter in America it is high carbs that goes back to the way food stamps originally were only good for specific food items which were overwhelmingly high carb foods. If fat was the culprit then the Akins diet wouldn't work. But when you have a group of people that are stuck on food stamps that are only good for high carb foods you get fat people.

Kind of funny how you now start yapping about little boys. Boys don't suffer any harm from a pregnancy they cause as they aren't the ones that carry the baby. Or were you not smart enough to figure that part out.

And how pray tell did you come up with this dumbass theory that 15 is a magical age at which a female needs serious medical assistance to squirt out a rugrat? This is one of your most ridiculous claims.


Standard American Diet is high fat, not high carb. The brain needs glucose, not fat. Done deal

Is it okay for me to rape young boys because I am the one to gets pregnant? I never insinuated boys can get pregnant. You didn't read my statement, or you have poor perception. Anyway, cool knowing I can rape a young boy if I want to and he won't be harmed. If I ever can't find a hot man ny age, I'll just become a substitute teacher and take it from there. Good to finally hear that from a man.

It's not a theory; it is based on research. if any of you pedo supporters bothered to read the science on it, you'd see. Most people are against teenage pregnancy and statutory rape. Look at the comment sections under ANY To Catch A Predator episode on YouTube.


Once again you've proven your stupidity. American diets are to high in carbs and saturated fat. There are two types of fats and unsaturated fat actually helps improve your health. Carbs whether complex or not are bad because they are all turned into glucose in the body and people only need a fraction of the amount of carbs in a typical American diet. Go fucking do some research before you keep spouting off bullshit.

And stop reading what you want to see and read what is there. I was very clear when I said boys suffer no harm from a pregnancy they cause. Not once did I say that any 12 year old boys should go out knocking up cunts like you. So stop trying to share your fantasies with the world.


I can only laugh; your grasp of diet and health is completely lacking. "Carbs are bad :'(" haha


Yes, depending on the laws in one's area of residence, the correct term for an adult man who shows his interest in 15 year old girls is "felon".


Age of consent in Nigeria is 11. How fucked up is that?!


Are you saying 15-19 year old women can't give birth? You're a moron


Read the article.


Don't need to. Plenty of women have given birth from 15-19


Most die without modern medicine. can't say the same about adults. The article doesn't lie. Sorry, pedo, evolution doesn't support your pathology


So all those women who were married and had kids before they were 20 in the 1700s, 1800s early 1900s all died right?

Age of consent most places on Earth is 16 that's not paedophilia. You're article is wrong and you're a fucking moron who doesn't know what words mean like most shitlibs


Read the article. Pregnancy is risky for children vs adults. Before medicine, children died during labor more so than today. It's not my article; it's science. You're a lame adult that can't argue without getting emotional or swearing. Keep seething keep coping


I'm not reading you're stupid fucking article when you're a moron who doesn't know what a pedo is and thinks women 15-19 can't have kids

I hope you don't have any, matter of fact abort yourself now dipshit


Then you can't accept evolution. You seem hypersensitive and overly emotional about this, like a pedo would haha. An adult male that can't argue online without cursing every sentence isn't viable for evolutionary contribution anyway. And it's actually "your". And it's not my article.


That's a typo dumbass and I curse all the time doesn't matter the subject stupid people like you deserve it.

I've told you I think pedos should be castrated but 15-19 isn't pedo territory how brain dead are you that you can't grasp that?

You need to evolve from being a meat sack you fucking amoeba


You're not helping your case. I can solely laugh


Like the zookeeper did when you were born huh ya fucking chimp


How can sensitive souls like you survive online?


And yet you're the one whining huh you stupid twat


A british pedo, in other words


Wrong again, are you ever right?


I'm right wing conservative


Sure you are


Save your breath, your talking to an ignorant fool that wouldn't know a fact if you shoved it up her ass. She's probably some butt ugly bitch that looks like Andrea Dworkin and is just jealous that anyone might be having sex since her only option is the cucumber by her nightstand.


LOL yeah you're right


Beauty or lack thereof or lookism of any kind is not an argument. Still waiting for someone to make an unemotional unaffected response. You're using libfem logic with the insults and pejoratives. Seethe.

And, it's "you're talking". And I'm sure you mean wouldn't instead of would. All the typing mistakes you two make, just prove how sensitive and affected you are.


Behold the ugly cunt if it could only make a coherent statement people might be impressed... right now you make as much sense as the sound of a cock plopping out of your ass.


Lookism isn't an argument. Libfems use beauty as an argument. It fails.


Nature is brutal and it hates pedophiles


I hope nature makes sure you can't breed so the world will be spared more idiots like you


Too late, my children will hate pedophiles as much as I do


You don't know what a pedo is. 15-19 isn't pedo range

Age of consent is 16

What's that tell you genius?


If you impregnate a 15 year old they will likely lose the child naturally, unlike a 25 year old. Only pedo supporters care about the semantics.


If you had a brain cell in your head it would die of loneliness


You're too emotional to argue


And you're too retarded, go lick some doorknobs




Don't ya think?


considering females centuries ago were squirting out rugrats when 12 or 13

Wrong, just 150 years ago, girls didn't get periods until 16-17 years of age. Look at the Norwegian article I linked to.

It's a legitimate source.

Marriage at ten years doesn't equal pregnancy at ten years of age. Girls can get pregnant some time after period, but the rest of the body can't support the growing fetus or handle the birth of a child. Children shouldn't have children. The distinction between child and adult exists for a reason. As the OP link shows, teenage pregnancy is lethal in the natural world. Only with modern medicine has it become manageable. However it's still a problem. I don't respond to insults.

And for those attacking virgins. I would rather be a 50 year old virgin than an 18 year old roastie.

Teenage pregnancy is dangerous and should be illegal altogether.


Don't worry, there is hope for pedophiles as well as regular humans:


You're a special kind of fucking retard aren't you?

Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children

Hebephilia is defined as a chronophilia in which an adult has a strong and persistent sexual interest in pubescent children, typically children aged 11–14, although the age of onset and completion of puberty vary. ... The term hebephilia was first used in 1955, in forensic work by Hammer and Glueck.

So what you're trying to do is infer that 15-19 attraction is pedophilia, when both definitions I posted above fall outside of that.

Maybe if you learned how to read and do actual research you'd get somewhere in life.


If hebephilia/pedophilia is good then how come pregnant 15 yo die without medical intervention and abortion. I am against abortion so I am against pedophiles.

BTW since I made this thread I became a hebephile myself. Men are most attractive between 14-19. So thanks for validating my sexuality. Hopefully a young boy with get me pregnant one day and guess what. I won't die in labor cause I'm too young. :)
